O'Brien One Pound 1960 B281 last series Z15 334954 GEF, Ten Shillings 1961 B286 1st series A67 524566 AU. HollomFive Pounds 1963 B297 L03 prefix Unc, One Pound replacementB290 22M 789044 AU-Unc, Ten Shillings replacement B296 M32 prefix Fine. Fforde Five Pounds 1967 B312 X85 prefix AU (light centre fold), One Pound replacement B306 S13M 949494 AU (light centre fold), Ten Shillings 1967 B309 1st series 46R 225020 Unc or near so
Five Pounds Fforde 1967 B312 EF small tear at top, One Pounds PageB322 (8) mostly high grades EF-Unc, One Pounds Page Isaac Newton 1978 B337 first series A01 (25) VG-VF (17), VF - Unc (8) and B337 mid series A50 prefix (10) consecutives AU-Unc
Great Britain (22) in mixed grades comprising Bank of England issues (17) consisting of O'Brien (5) including 10 Shillings B271 Red-Brown Britannia medallion issue 1955 prefix C56Y and 10 Shillings QE2 portrait & seated Britannia B286 issue 1961 (4) prefixes D93, D59, E66 & first series A05. Fforde (9) 10 Shillings QE2 & seated Britannia 1967 issues (5) including B309 (2) prefixes 79Z & 68Y and B310 prefixes A11N, A30N and B90N along with 5 Pounds QE2 & seated child Britannia B312 issue 1967 (4) including prefixes T66 and a consecutive trio Z06 these about UNC - UNC. Page 1 Pound QE2 & seated Britannia B320 issue 1970 prefix Y39E. Somerset 1 Pounds QE2 pictorial & Sir Isaac NewtonB341 issues 1981 (2) prefixes DW05 & DY12. Along with Scotland 1 Pounds Commemorative issues celebrating 100th Anniversary of Death of Robert Louis Stevenson Pick 358a (Calloway-Murphy RB94, BY SC835) dated 3rd December 1994 and signed G.R.Mathewson (5) in 2 consecutively numbered runs - a trio RLS0546101 through RLS0546103 and a pair RLS0546049 & RLS0546050, these also UNC.
Five Pounds Fforde QE2 portrait & seated child Britannia 1967 (5) a presentable circulated group in VF - GVF and includes examples of the 2 prefix types consisting of the B312 (3) serial numbers T62 831921, W29 580665 & Y82 232715. Along with the B314 (2) serial numbers 17C 646218 & 65C 029366.
Five Pounds Fforde QE2 portrait & seated child Britannia B312 issue 1967 (2) a consecutively numbered pair serial numbers Y82 185650 & Y82 185651. Both EF - GEF and pleasing in these higher grades
Five Pounds Fforde QE2 portrait & seated child Britannia issues 1967 (34) all circulated and in various grades ranging from about Fine/Fine to VF some with inked/pencilled accounting numerals and include a few examples of the first series prefixes from B312 (31) R55, R59, R67, S12, S23, S83, T16, T72, T92, U83, U85, W46, W48, W70, W76, X04, X44, X50, X54, X62, X97, Y14, Y37, Y44, Y50, Y97, Z13, Z69, Z70, Z72, Z75 and B314 (3) - 06B, 29B and 50A
Five Pounds QE2 portrait & seated child Britannia Hollom, Fforde and Page circa 1960-70's (35) all averaging VF and comprising Hollom examples B297 Blue issued 1963 (4) prefixes H35, J90, N96 and a LAST series R07. Fforde B312 Blue issued 1967 (29) with examples from almost every recorded prefix for this type including S38, T23, T42, T70, U22, U26, U54, U86, W27, W34, W84, X39, X40, X54, X60, X71, Y36, Y43, Y58, Y62, Z28, Z29, Z44, Z57, Z76, Z78, Z83, Z89 and Z93. Together with Page 1971 issues (2) including the Rare B325Replacement issue series 08M 654539 along with a B324 example prefix 78D.
Treasury & Bank of England (9) in assorted mostly high grades ranging from VF-GVF to EF-UNC comprising Treasury 10 Shillings Fisher Second issue T30 Red serial No. omitted in prefix issued 1922 serial number P/55 343920. Along with Bank of England issues (6) consisting of O'Brien 10 Shillings B286 issue 1961 serial number B12 647593. Fforde 1967 issues (4) consisting of 10 Shillings (2) including B309 serial number 77Y 652749 & B310 serial number A66N 688409. 5 Pounds Fforde B312 FIRST series and an earlier prefix serial number R21 432253, considering series start with prefix R20. And 10 Pounds Lion & Key B316 serial number A85 800160. Page 1 Pound B322 issue 1970 serial number HU73 770233. The lot also comes with a copy of the 'English Paper Money' 5th Edition by Vincent Duggleby and British Armed Forces notes (2) involving a 1 Pound Pick M22a 6th series ND 1948 paper with metal strip serial number AA/9 515707 along with 10 New Pence Pick M45 ND 1972 serial number A/5 105532. A varied and desirable lot
Bank of England a collection in an album circa 1920's to modern issues (56) in various grades VF to about UNC - UNC and comprise a Mahon 10 Shillings B210 FIRST series serial number Z11 151655. Catterns 10 Shillings B223 serial number T13 776359. Peppiatt (5) comprising 10 Shillings B236 serial number 06Y 623802, 1 Pound B260 U18A 496511 along with World War II Emergency issues 10 Shillings B251 Mauve serial number K43D 097872 and 1 Pounds B249 Blue/Pink (2) serial numbers B88E 600126 & Y32D 850191. Beale (2) including 10 Shillings B266 serial number M28Z 029013 and 1 Pound B268 serial number X04C 0074772. O'Brien (7) including 10 Shillings B271 Britannia medallion serial number N47Y 294085, 1 Pound B273 Britannia medallion serial number D47L 714712, 5 Pounds Lion & Key B277 serial number C41 630201, 10 Shillings QE2 portrait B286 prefix A25 and 1 Pounds QE2 portrait (3) prefixes A05, D41 and N21. Hollom QE2 portrait issues (3) including 10 Shillings B295 prefix 29C, 1 Pound B288 prefix A32R and 5 Pounds B297 prefix A45. Fforde QE2 portrait issues (5) including 10 Shillings B309 prefix 86S & B310 prefix B18N, 1 Pounds B305 (2) prefixes R70J & T09E and 5 Pounds B312 FIRST series R40 629728. Page QE2 portrait & pictorial issues (19) comprising 1 Pounds (14) including a B321Replacement prefix W05M, 5 Pounds B324 prefix 88D, 5 Pounds B334 prefix 56N, 10 Pounds Lion & Key B326 prefix C04 and 1 Pounds B337 (2) prefixes X76 & W13. Gill (2) including 10 Pounds B354 prefix DY38 & 20 Pounds B355 prefix 06U. Kentfield (3) 5, 10 & 20 Pounds. Lowther (2) 5 and 10 Pounds. Bailey (3) 5, 10 and 20 Pounds. Salmon (2) 5 and 10 Pounds. And Cleland 10 Pounds. An attractive and desirable collection
Five Pounds Fforde QE2 portrait & seated child Britannia B312 issue 1967 (5) a consecutively numbered set last series prefix and close to last run serial numbers Z98 770808 - Z98 770812. All about UNC - UNC
Bank of England 5 Pounds 1967 - 1973 issues (6) in very high grades about EF/EF - GEF/about UNC comprising the last of the portrait and the first of the pictorial designs. Includes FfordeB312 QE2 portrait & seated child Britannia issues 1967 (2) serial numbers T11 764802 and T79 438154. Along with Page issues (4) including B324 QE2 portrait & seated child Britannia issue 1971 serial number 85D 786106 accompanied by the pictorial design examples consisting of a B334 QE2 & The Duke of Wellington L Reverse issue 1973 serial number 51H 285177 in addition to a consecutively numbered pair B336 L reverse issues 1973 serial numbers AX37 795971 & AX37 795972.
Hollom & Fforde QE2 portrait issues 1960's (31) in various grades Fine - VF to UNC comprising Hollom (11) including 10 Shillings (5) including B294 prefixes L52 and T93 along with B295 (3) prefixes 58H, 17L and 37L. 1 Pounds B288 (4) including prefixes H48R, E36U, K35W and C19W. 5 pounds B297 (2) prefixes K48 and B21. Fforde (20) comprising 10 Shillings (15) including B309 (12) including a consecutive set of 5 notes prefix 10T, near consecutive pair 33Y and a near consecutive set of 5 notes prefix 41Z. Along with B310 (3) including a consecutive pair prefix C22N along with prefix C66N. 1 Pounds B305 (2) prefixes R22K and T28J. 5 Pounds B312 (2) prefixes T94 and W88. 10 Pounds Lion & Key B316 prefix A56.
Bank of England & Treasury (25) collection in an album in mixed grades comprising Treasury issues (6) including Bradbury (2) Ten Shillings T13.2 Type 2 Six Digit Serial issue 1915 serial number P1/18 059624 and 1 Pound T16 Dot in No. issue 1917 serial number F/52 316685 along with Fisher (4) consisting of 10 Shillings (2) T25 Dot in No. issue 1919 LAST series H/6 579715 Scarce and T30 No. omitted issue 1922 serial number L/9 098585 and 1 Pounds (2) T24 Dot in No. issue 1919 serial number R70 673931 and T31 Dot in No. issue 1923 CONTROL note serial number Z1/38 591956 Scarce. Bank of England issues (17) consisting of PeppiattWhite notes (2) a 5 Pounds B255 Thick Paper Metal thread Scarcer earlier issue dated 30th November 1944 serial number E77 003795 London branch and an Operation BernhardForgery 10 Pounds B242 dated 18th December 1936 serial number K/179 89453. Beale White 5 Pounds B270 Scarcer later dated issue 19th August 1952 serial number Y63 002774. O'Brien 5 Pounds Lion & Key (3) including B277 Shaded Symbol issue 1957 serial number C48 904966 and B280 White Symbol issues 1961 (2) serial numbers K22 542106 & First series H70 687181. Hollom (3) including 5 Pounds QE2 portrait & seated child Britannia B297 issues 1963 (2) serial numbers A09 201764 & A13 717477 along with 10 Pounds Lion & Key B299 issue 1964 FIRST RUN serial number A01 261771. Fforde (4) comprising 5 Pounds QE2 portrait & seated child Britannia B312 issue 1967 serial number Y81 342627 along with 10 Pounds Lion & Key B316 issues 1967 (3) a consecutive trio serial numbers A48 369328 through A48 369330. Page (4) consisting of 5 Pounds QE2 portrait & seated child Britannia B324 issues 1971 (2) serial numbers 75E 771785 & FIRST series 39C 149102 along with 10 pounds Lion & Key 1971 issues (2) consisting of a B327Replacement issue serial number M07 822804 along with B326 serial number B17 851613. The group accompanied by a Barclays Bank Limited Hereford. cheque for 18 Pounds and 5 Shillings dated 11th July 1923 number 30/C 04380 and a Postal Order for 3 Shillings to pay R. Haylett and signed Richard Haylett number D7/71 483638
Bank of EnglandHollom, Fforde and Page (9) including Ten Pounds Lion & Key B326 issues 1971 a consecutive trio C14 161031 - C14 161033 along with Five Pounds QE2 & seated child Britannia issues (6) including B297 issues 1963 a consecutive trio L32 311836 - L32 311838, B312 issues 1967 a consecutive trio series T31 362861 - T31 362863. Mixed high grades including about UNC
Five Pounds Fforde QE2 portrait & seated child Britannia B312 Blue issue 1967 (7) includes a consecutive pair series T95 174131 & T95 174131 and prefixes U99, W65, X27, Y11 and Y61. All about UNC - UNC
Five Pounds (12) O'Brien Lion & Key (3) first series 1957 £5 Shaded Symbol B277 (2) series A23 728217 GVF and A47 357326 VF with some light staining along with 1961 £5 White Symbol B280 series J16 861041 EF with some rust and toning spots. Hollom (4) 1963 portrait issues B297 series A04 849451 Fine, C42 147090 EF with a minor toning spot in watermark area, E88 959841 in GVF and L77 153364 about EF. Fforde (4) 1967 portrait issues B312 (3) of which 2 are first series R52 404590 about UNC - UNC and R64 482498 VF, along with Z67 151911 in GVF, and a B314 series 77C 714649 in GEF. Page (1) 1971 portrait issue B324 series 77E 371189 in GVF with a smudge on reverse top right corner
Bank of EnglandFforde 1967 issues (5) in mixed grades comprising Five Pounds QE2 & seated child Britannia B312 (4) including FIRST RUN series R20 813354, series T31 256058 and a consecutive pair Y82 185650 & Y82 185651. Along with a Ten Pounds Lion & Key B316 series A54 003640
Bank of England (15) a mixed group in various circulated grades VF to about UNC comprising Ten Shillings Fforde (6) prefixes C25N, C97N, C97N, C25N and a last run series D38N 549306. Five Pounds Fforde issues 1967 (2) B312 first series R99 408255 and B314 series 59D 086211. Five Pounds HollomB297 issues 1963 (2) series H88 860212 and J84 125650. Five Pounds Page (3) B324 issued 1971 (2) first series 78C 889523 & 97C 689651 along with B332 The Duke of Wellington issue 1971 first series A24 049720. Ten Pounds GillB354Florence Nightingale issue 1988 last series JR22 803967. Ten Pounds KentfieldB366 Charles Dickens issue 1992 series A05 561901
Bank of England (48), includes Page 5 Pounds B336 (14) a consecutively numbered run series AR13 253456 - AR13 253469 about Uncirculated to Uncirculated, Fforde 5 Pounds B312 (2) including FIRST series R78 461761, O'Brien 5 Pounds (B277) Lion & Key LAST series E16 625595, Beale 10 Shillings (B267) REPLACEMENT note series 24A 878639, plus other replacement and consecutively numbered notes seen, mixed grades, needs viewing
Bank of England (13), Peppiatt 10 Shillings (5) B256 & B262 including first series notes, O'Brien 10 Shillings (2) B271, O'Brien 1 Pound (2) B273, O'Brien 5 Pounds (2) B280 including a first series note, Fforde 5 Pounds (2) B312 & B314, mixed grades, needs viewing
Fforde (6), Peppiatt (3) & Page (3), Fforde 5 Pounds B312 issued 1967, a consecutively numbered run series Z02 833381 - Z02 833386, EF, Peppiatt 1 Pound B249 issued 1940, a consecutively numbered run series K75D 079497 - K75D 079499, good EF to aUNC, Page 1 Pound B322 issued 1970, a consecutively numbered run series ER74 034326 - ER74 034328, about EF to EF
ERROR 5 Pounds FfordeB312 issued 1967, heavy unprinted paper crease, (Pick375b), a rare error, about EF, plus 1 Pound Warren Fisher with the print on reverse very feint, appears to have been washed/cleaned
Bank of England (4), 5 Pounds O'Brien B272 issued 1957 and B280 issued 1961, both good VF, 5 Pounds FfordeB312 issued 1967, VF and 10 Pounds Fforde B316 issued 1967, about Uncirculated, plus 3 test/promotional notes
Ten Pounds Page (4) B326 UNC consecutives, Ten Pounds HollomB299 (3) VF to EF one with an inked number on the obverse, Five Pounds Hollom B297 (3) VF to EF, Five Pounds Fforde (15) B312 and B314 EF to UNC, Five Pounds O'Brien B277 Fine, Ten Shillings Hollom B295 (66) EF to UNC, Fforde (52) B309 and B310 mostly UNC , many groups of consecutives, one note with an inked figure on the obverse, plus Scotland (12) Five Pounds (2), One Pound (10) various banks, in mixed grades, Isle of Man Fifty Pence 1969 issue Fine
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