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Auction 122

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Date Sold Category Lot Description Sale Price

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares Bank and private checks, sh, bonds and documents (70) from GB, , and other (40) including Mexicana de Petroleo 'EL-AGUILA' S.A 1949 (2) Improved Chilling and Tran Limited 1919, Texiana Company 1923, The Anglo- Trust Limited 1919, Alpha Petroleum Company limited 1911, the Gula-Kalumpog- Estates Ltd.1923 and many other bonds plus documents (17) mostly from the Constantine s Limited and General Certificates, in mixed grades

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , Barbados Supply Co. Ltd., 8 x for £10, all 1891, ornate border, black, UK revenue stamp, all VF. (8)

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , 6 bonds, Emprunt Industriel du Gouvernment de la Republique Chinoise, bond for 500 francs, also unissued provisional bond, both 1914, Equipment of 1922, bond for £20, and Tientsin?Pukow Railway, Deutsch-Asiatische issue, bond for £20 and £100 dated 1908 plus bond for £20 dated 1910, with coupons, F-VF. (6).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , Chemin de Fer Lung-Tsing-U-Hai, 1920 , 10 x bonds for 500 francs, and 1921 Loan, 10 x bonds for 500 francs, black & brown and black & green respectively, no coupons remain, mostly VF. (20).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , Sugar Co. Ltd., certificate for ten sh, 1922, ornate design incorporates fields, train and ship, text in Chinese, mauve on pale green, folded, otherwise VF. (1).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , Consolidated Bonds of the First Year National , bond for $1,000, dated 1921, ornate border, text in on face, English on reverse, dull red on pale green, with coupons, VF. (1).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , Dah Tung Cotton Manufacturing Co. Ltd., share certificate, 1948, vignette of strange loo machine, text in , seal in English, brown & yellow, VF. (1).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , 1908 , 6 x bonds for £20, all Banque de l?Indo-Chine issue, all with vignette of walled city, black & green, right and bottom margins uneven where coupons cut for payment, no coupons remain, mostly AVF. (6).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , Hukuang s 1911 , 3 x bonds for £100, all issued by the Deutsch-Asiatische Bank, vignette of ing train, red & black, four coupons remain, mostly VF. (3).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , Pe-Hankow , worker saving of 1934, bond for 10 yuan, ornate design, text in , brown & yellow, with coupons, VF. (1).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , Land Investment Co. Ltd., certificate for sh of five taels, Shanghai 1941, incorporated in , ornate design with vignette at left of workman painting a traditional house, brown, pinholes at top left, central fold, AVF. (1).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , Worsted Mill Ltd., share certificate, 1947, incorporated in , ornate border incorporates two kittens at top, purple, VF. (1).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , Association Phonique des Grands Artistes, certificate for one share, 1906, very attractive certificate with many vignettes including, female with gramophone, cherub, records, violin and the Opera House, design by Paul Poncet, large format, brown & yellow, with coupons, AVF. (1).
£180 London Coins : A122 : Lot 29 : France, Association Phonique des Grands Artistes, certificate for one share, Paris 1906&...

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , Compagnie Internationale Phonique, founders share, 1907, large vignettes of women, gramophone and records, large format, navy on green, with coupons, small repair to left margin, does not affect print, otherwise AVF. (1).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , Groupement National de la Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel, certificate for one share, 1926, very attractive Gothic style design incorporates views of Mont-Saint-Michel, blue and pale green, with coupons, AVF. (1).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , S.A. Cinema National, Monopole Sud-Ouest des Films Pathe Freres, share certificate, Bordeaux 1907, attractive design incorporates views of several towns including Bordeaux and , brown & green, with coupons, AVF. (1).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , Venise a S.A., certificate for one share, Paris 1899, large vignettes of landmarks in , also gondolas, the was incorporated for the Italian Pavilion at the great Paris exhibition of 1900, blue, with coupons, central fold, minor discolouration at fold, otherwise AVF. (1).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , 9 bearer certificates, Cote d?Ivoire & Adulessa Co. Ltd., 1902, Paramatta Copper Mines Ltd., 1903, Sherrin and Partners Ltd., 1902, Swedish Iron Mines and Furnaces Ltd., 1911, Kokumbo () Co. Ltd., 1903, Carballino and Arsenic Mines Ltd., 1907, Melincourt ies Ltd., 1903, son?s Nigel Ltd., 1895, and Tirdonkin Collieries Ltd., 1903, all with text in English and , all with UK revenue stamps, all with coupons, mostly F-VF. (9).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , Anglican Smelting, Reduction & Coal Co. Ltd., book containing 100 certificates for twenty sh, all 1858, ornate heading, black on pink, mostly EF. (100).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , Ship Canal Co., £100 registered redeemable debenture, 1927, very attractive design with vignette of ship at top, blue on buff, printed by Wilkinson, UK revenue stamp, VF. (1).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , Office Ltd., certificate No.4 for one share, dated 1909, certificate made out to Nathaniel Charles and signed by him as a director, manuscript certificate heading, black, red seal, perforated , pin holes at top left, otherwise VF. (1).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , South Co. Ltd., bond for 500 yuan, 1924, ornate design with underprint of oncoming train, text in Japanese, name in English on front of train, brown, one coupon remains, AVF. (1).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , S. A. e des s Libanais Nord et Sud de Beyrouth, founders share dated 1896, and bond dated 1900, ornate design with small train at bottom, blue & pink, and black & pink respectively, one with coupons, both VF. (2).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , Juga (Nigeria) Tin and Power Co. Ltd., 5 x bearer certificates for twenty-five sh, 1912-13, ornate border, text in English and , black & green, with coupons, all VF. (5).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , Republic del Peru, 7% for 100 soles, Lima 1871, loan used for various projects in the port of Arica, vignettes of Peruvian arms and seated Liberty, black & green, with coupons, minor aging to paper, otherwise VF. (1).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , 7 bonds and certificates, Société Métallurgique de l?Oural-Volga, 1896, Société Générale de l?Industrie Miniere & Métallurgique en Russie, 1897, S.A. des Manufactures de Lin et de Coton de Kostroma, 1899, S.A. des Forges et Acieries d?Ekaterinoslaw, 1895, Société Cotonniere Russo-Francaise, 1910, Compagnie Houillere et Métallurgique Novo?Pavlovka, 1898, and s et Enterprises Electriques de la Banlieue de St. Petersbourg, all with coupons, F-VF. (7).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , City of Kharkov 1911 , bond for 937.50 roubles, attractive design with city scenes in each corner, lilac, with coupons, VF. (1).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , Riasan Koslov 1886 , bonds for 500 marks (A), 500 marks (B), 1,000 marks and 2,000 marks, (DH 1104 a, b, c, & d), ornate border, various colours, all with talons, all VF. (4).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , Consolidated Mines Ltd., bearer certificate for five preference sh, 1902, signed by Francis Oats, ornate design incorporating coat of arms at top, text in English and , black & green, with coupons, stamped , AVF. (1).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , Consolidated Mines Ltd., bearer certificate for onr preference share, 1930, signed by Lord Bessborough, ornate design incorporating coat of arms at top, text in English and , black & green, no coupons remain, stamped , VF. (1).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , ‘Colon? Compania Transaerea Espanola, bearer bond, 1928, large vignette of airship, blue on buff, with coupons, VF. (1).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares , Société Immobiliere des Bains de Mer de San Stefano, certificate for one share, 1910, ornate border, blue on yellow, with coupons, VF. (1).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares U.S.A., 10 bonds and certificates, Airless Auto Wheel & Tire Co., certificate, 1916, Archer Tire and Co., certificate, 1920, Four Wheel Drive Auto Co., certificate, 1929, Cranston Coal Co., certificate, 1910, National Segar Machine Co., certificate, 1871, and Co., certificate, 1879, land Smokeless Coal Co., bond, 1903, Provident Coke and Mining Co., bond, 1903, Mining and Milling Co., bond, 1914, and Middle States Coal and Iron Mines Co., bond, 1906, nine with vignettes, mostly F-VF. (10).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares U.S.A., 8 certificates, all oil or petroleum related, Thos. A. and Mineral Co., 1889, Higgins-Mexia Oil Co., 1922, Calumet Petroleum Co., 1918, Tuxpam Star Oil Corp., 1918, Sedalia and Oil Co., 1902, Altoona Midway Oil Co., 1902, Young Oil Co., 1917, and Becky Sharp Oil Co., 1902, all with vignettes of oil wells, mostly VF. (8).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares U.S.A., Grand Junction Rail Road and Depot Co., bond for $1,000, dated 1853, large vignette of dockside scene at left, black, with coupons, VF. (1).
£70 London Coins : A122 : Lot 63 : U.S.A., Grand Junction Rail Road and Depot Co., bond for $1,000, dated 1853,...

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares U.S.A., In Southern Co., $1,000 first bond, 1866, several vignettes including train and allegorical figures, signed on the reverse by Samuel Tilden as trustee, black & green, with coupons, VF. (1).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares U.S.A., and Great Eastern Co., unissued bond for $1,000, dated 1875, attractive vignette of Boone being rescued by Kenton, black & green, with coupons, AVF. (1).

Auction 122
Bonds and Shares U.S.A., Town of Sodus, County of Wayne, bond for $500, dated 1870, three vignettes including train and farmer, , bottom edge slightly uneven where coupons cut for payment, no coupons remain, AVF. (1).

Auction 122
English Banknotes 10 shillings T13.2 prefix W1/87 issued 1915, small rust marks bottom right corner, pressed VF to GVF
£160 London Coins : A122 : Lot 67 : Treasury 10 shillings Bradbury T13.2 prefix W1/87 issued 1915, small rust marks bottom right cor...

Auction 122
English Banknotes 10 shillings (2) T30 prefixes N/96 & P/95 issued 1922, Pick358, some surface dirt, Fine to good Fine

Auction 122
English Banknotes 10 shillings (4) T33 issue prefixes U/64, W/46, W/59 & W/80 issued 1927, Pick3608, some surface dirt & ink marks, about Fine to Fine

Auction 122
English Banknotes 10 shillings (4) T33 issue prefixes U/68, U/69, W/28 & W/46 issued 1927, Pick3608, some surface dirt & ink marks, about Fine to Fine

Auction 122
English Banknotes 10 shillings (5) T30 prefixes N/76, N/77, O/35, R/84 & R/94 issued 1922, Pick358, some surface dirt, one with missing corner, average Fine

Auction 122
English Banknotes 10 shillings T26 prefix E/4 No.with dash issued 1919, lightly pressed, GVF

Auction 122
English Banknotes 10 shillings T30 prefix L/68 issued 1922, EF+

Auction 122
English Banknotes 10 shillings T30 prefix P/97 issued 1922, Pick358, some surface dirt, almost VF

Auction 122
English Banknotes 10 shillings T33 prefix U/47 issue 1927, Pick360, rust marks, almost VF

Auction 122
English Banknotes T16 prefix A/26 first series issued 1917, some wrinkling on corners, GEF
£300 London Coins : A122 : Lot 79 : Treasury one pound Bradbury T16 prefix A/26 first series issued 1917, some wrinkling on corners&...

Auction 122
English Banknotes (10) T31 prefixes C1/49, E1/97, E1/100, F1/62, F1/67, G1/36, K1/37, L1/50, L1/72 & Z1/49 control note issued 1923, Pick359a, average VG to Fine+, also some assorted GB and world

Auction 122
English Banknotes (3) T31 prefixes E1/68, E1/90 & F1/21 issued 1923, Pick359a, Fine to VF

Auction 122
English Banknotes (3) T31 prefixes G1/8, G1/31 & L1/68 issued 1923, Pick359a, Fine to gFine

Auction 122
English Banknotes (3) T32 square dot type prefixes J1/46, L1/45 & L1/91 issued 1923, Pick359b, average Fine

Auction 122
English Banknotes (5) T31 prefixes J1/23, J1/30, J1/40, L1/12 & L1/16 issued 1923, Pick359a, Fine to gFine

Auction 122
English Banknotes T24 prefix K/33 first series issued 1919, Pick357, about VF

Auction 122
English Banknotes T24 prefix K/55 first series issued 1919, Pick357, GVF

Auction 122
English Banknotes T24 prefix X/7 issued 1919, Pick357, surface dirt reverse, gFine

Auction 122
English Banknotes T31 prefix E1/59 issued 1923, EF

Auction 122
English Banknotes T31 prefix Z1/60 control note issued 1923, Pick359a, gFine

Auction 122
English Banknotes T34 prefix W1/33 issue 1927, company stamp on reverse, GEF to about UNC

Auction 122
English Banknotes , and world selection in album (33) includes 10/- T30, £1 T31 Fine+, £1 GVF, Montague Bank South Africa remainder about UNC, £5 1893 & £5 1895 both cut , Egypt, Uganda, etc

Auction 122
English Banknotes (7) all 1st runs with matching numbers 000781, £20 A01, £10 DD01, £50 A01, £5 EA01, £10 KL01, £20 DA01 & £50 J01, UNC

Auction 122
English Banknotes £10 presentation set C150 serial YR20 000287 Millennium issue, UNC

Auction 122
English Banknotes £5 presentation set C108 mini-sheetlet of 3 notes matching serials AC03, AC02 & AC01 000924, UNC

Auction 122
English Banknotes accumulation (11) mixed grade lot, face value £12-50, includes blue £1 (2), Britannia £5 J61, a few Britannia 10/- (3) and various QE2 £1 and s including M75 GEF

Auction 122
English Banknotes accumulation (23) includes £5 Poor, £5 and £10 WW2 issues VG, £1 T31 Fine (rust holes), £1 Fine, 10/- VG & £1 gFine, rest mostly Fine to VF some better

Auction 122
English Banknotes accumulation (27) includes £20 aVF, QE2 10/- (15) mostly UNC, various £1 (11) to Page, a good mix VF or better

Auction 122
English Banknotes accumulation (32) face value £418 includes £10 (2), some 10/- & £1 s, mostly high grade high value modern issues, viewing recommended

Auction 122
English Banknotes accumulation (49) mixed grade face value £115 includes portrait £10 (6) , & , rest mainly portrait £1's and some later issues, & some Bulgarian 1951 issues (7)

Auction 122
English Banknotes accumulation in album with slipcase, circa £60 face value includes 10/- (18) mostly UNC, pair portrait £10 EF, Britannia £5 almost UNC, rest various grades

Auction 122
English Banknotes home-made historical brochure with Chief Cashiers ed signatures (7), L.K., , , , , & and also that of BoE Governor Eddie George, interesting item

Auction 122
English Banknotes presentation set C106 1st series £5, £10, £20 and £50 prefixes R01, KN01, E01 and E01, UNC

Auction 122
English Banknotes selection (16) a good mix includes 10/- T33, £1 T31, mauve 10/- prefix Z04D VF, Peppiatt, & 10/- (6) VF to EF, £10 GVF, etc

Auction 122
English Banknotes £1 B322 serials BT06 788892 & 788902 (different numbers on same note), faint edge stain, about UNC

Auction 122
English Banknotes £20 B402 prefix DH52 issued 2004 large area of extra purple & black ink staining on face, GEF

Auction 122
English Banknotes Error £20 B402 prefix DH52 issued 2004, a major on face, all of Queens head & most of script missing, only underprint, serial numbers & signature visible, very striking, almost UNC

Auction 122
English Banknotes £20 B371 prefix E12, QE2 portrait completely missing at right ("abdication note"), about UNC

Auction 122
English Banknotes Error £20 B386 prefix AC40, 1/4 right side missing, extra paper at top with colour bars, central tear from when issued, striking in EF and comes as a pair with its normally issued note which is UNC

Auction 122
English Banknotes £20 B386 prefix AH80 from circulation, large triangular area top right missing all of its dark print, tear into design, Fine

Auction 122
English Banknotes Error £5 B343a signature missing prefix DU55 first series known for this type, UNC

Auction 122
English Banknotes £5 B343a signature missing prefix DU68, UNC

Auction 122
English Banknotes s (2) B361 serials E01 000238 & E01 000239, a low number 1st run pair, UNC

Auction 122
English Banknotes s (2) B361 serials E30 999608 & E30 999609, last series high number pair, counting flick only, about UNC to UNC

Auction 122
English Banknotes s (2) B377 prefixes A01 1st run pair, counting flick only, about UNC to UNC

Auction 122
English Banknotes s (2) B352 prefixes A01 first run, a pair, GEF to about UNC

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B352 prefix B01 issued 1981, about EF

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B270 dated 22 March 1950 prefix R06, Pick344, GVF

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B270 dated 27 Feb.1950 prefix P85, 1 pinhole & faint bank stamp reverse, GVF-EF

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B270 dated 2nd October 1951 prefix V86, GVF to EF

Auction 122
English Banknotes s 2nd March 1933 practically Mint State and unheard of in such a high grade, serial T/124 10570 B228 exceptional and desirable
£3,600 London Coins : A122 : Lot 137 : Five Pounds Catterns Hull 2nd March 1933 practically Mint State and unheard of in such a high grade&...

Auction 122
English Banknotes s (2) B353 prefixes RD39, a pair, counting flicks, GEF

Auction 122
English Banknotes s (2) B357 prefixes A13, a pair, counting flicks, about UNC to UNC

Auction 122
English Banknotes s (2) B357 prefixes A14, a pair, counting flicks, about UNC to UNC

Auction 122
English Banknotes s (3) B353 prefix SB12, B357 (2) prefixes A18 and C15, counting flicks, about UNC to UNC

Auction 122
English Banknotes s 7th June 1921aU and rare thus, serial number 109/U 34438 B209a
£1,150 London Coins : A122 : Lot 146 : Five Pounds Harvey Liverpool 7th June 1921aU and rare thus, serial number 109/U 34438 Duggleby B...

Auction 122
English Banknotes s 4th July 1921aU and rare thus serial number U/46 51589 B209a
£1,100 London Coins : A122 : Lot 147 : Five Pounds Harvey Manchester 4th July 1921aU and rare thus serial number U/46 51589 Duggleby B209a

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B209a dated 13 May 1922 prefix D/21, rust mark, VF to GVF

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B209a dated 9 Sept.1921 serial 132/U 00963 MANCHESTER branch issue, Pick312d, inked numerals & bank stamp, Fine+
£300 London Coins : A122 : Lot 149 : Five pounds Harvey white B209a dated 9 Sept.1921 serial 132/U 00963 MANCHESTER branch issue, Pic...

Auction 122
English Banknotes s prefix HK97 in presentation booklet C122a for Hong Kong h 1997, counting flick only, about UNC to UNC

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B215 dated 2nd July 1926 prefix 290/E, Pick320a, pressed VF
£250 London Coins : A122 : Lot 151 : Five pounds Mahon white B215 dated 2nd July 1926 prefix 290/E, Pick320a, pressed VF

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B208b dated 23 July 1915 serial 41/D 80167, Pick304, almost VF
£460 London Coins : A122 : Lot 152 : Five pounds Nairne white B208b dated 23 July 1915 serial 41/D 80167, Pick304, almost VF

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B275 dated 22 March 1955 prefix Z27, EF

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B276 dated 4th August 1956 prefix D59A GVF

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B276 dated 8th November 1955 prefix B26A, faint bank stamp on face, almost EF

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B324 portrait type prefix 70E issued 1971, GEF

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B336 prefix AZ04 with ed signature of Chief Cashier J.B.Page over watermark area, on home-made presentation card, UNC

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B241 dated 18th June 1937 prefix B/112, Pick335a, heavily stained at left, good Fine

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B241 dated 22 April 1936 serial T/219 52276 LEEDS branch issue, Fine
£300 London Coins : A122 : Lot 163 : Five pounds Peppiatt white B241 dated 22 April 1936 serial T/219 52276 LEEDS branch issue, Fine

Auction 122
English Banknotes s dated 29 June 1937 prefix B/121, German WW2, usual pinholes, VF

Auction 122
English Banknotes s thick paper B255 dated 11th December 1944 prefix E/86, GEF

Auction 122
English Banknotes s thick paper B255 dated 12 October 1945 prefix K49, almost EF, stamped bank number on reverse, GVF to EF

Auction 122
English Banknotes s thick paper B255 dated 21st Nov.1944 prefix E69, VF to GVF

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B270 dated 13 June 1951 prefix U90 VG folded into four and with a tiny holes

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B270 dated 17 March 1951 prefix U16 VG folded into four and with small hole in the centre marked in red pencil left of 'Bank' and ink stamped on the reverse

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B270 dated 19 December 1950 prefix T40 VG folded into four and with a tiny hole in the centre

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B270 dated 19 December 1950 prefix T40 VG folded into four and with small hole in the centre

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B270 dated 19 June 1951 prefix U95 VG folded into four and with a hole in the centre

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B270 dated 28 January 1950 prefix P60 VG folded into four and with small hole in the centre and inked on the reverse

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B270 dated 31 August 1951 prefix U16 VG folded into four and with a small hole in the centre

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B270 dated 5 September 1951 prefix V63 VG folded into four and with a tiny hole in the centre

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B270 dated 8 November 1950 prefix T05 VG folded into four and with a tiny hole in the centre

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B275 dated 19 February 1955 prefix Z01 VG folded into four and with an inked figure and holed in the centre, stamped on reverse

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B275 dated 19 February 1955 Z01 008096 VG folded into four and with an inked figure and holed in the centre, stamped on reverse

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B275 dated 2 March 1955 prefix Z10 VG folded into four and holed in the centre

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B275 dated 31 May 1955 prefix Z86 VG folded into four and holed in the centre, with pencil mark on reverse

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B275 dated 5 May 1955 prefix Z64 VG folded into four and holed in the centre, inked and stamped on the reverse

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B276 dated 14 December 1955 prefix B57A VG folded into four and with hole in the centre

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B276 dated 15 August 1955 prefix A52A VG folded into four and holed in the centre, with writing and stamped on reverse

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B276 dated 8 September 1955 prefix A73A VG folded into four and with hole in the centre, stamped on reverse

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B255 dated 1 October 1945 prefix K39 Fine with a pencil written number in the top right corner, in a wallet of issue

Auction 122
English Banknotes B302 prefix M40R issued 1967, EF

Auction 122
English Banknotes B304 prefix M32N , "G" reverse, GEF

Auction 122
English Banknotes B308 prefix N05M , "G" reverse, good Fine-VF

Auction 122
English Banknotes B308 prefix N12M , "G" reverse, about UNC to UNC

Auction 122
English Banknotes Henry B201a dated 13th October 1808, very faint watermark, multiple tears with paper repairs on reverse (in old frame), Poor but scarce
£950 London Coins : A122 : Lot 192 : One pound Henry Hase white B201a dated 13th October 1808, very faint watermark, multiple tea...

Auction 122
English Banknotes B291 prefix M06R issued 1963, UNC

Auction 122
English Banknotes B339 prefix 53A, ed signature of Chief Cashier J.B.Page with date 1970-1980 at left, UNC

Auction 122
English Banknotes B239A prefix H68A, WW2 Guernsey "Withdrawn from circulation Sept.1941", Pick363g, Fine

Auction 122
English Banknotes B250 blue issue prefix S16D , pressed good Fine

Auction 122
English Banknotes s (100) a mixed group QE2 portrait issues, , & signatures, mostly VF to EF, some better

Auction 122
English Banknotes s (14) blue (5) and green (6) these in small home-made card folders plus a few world notes, average Fine to VF, some better

Auction 122
English Banknotes s (16) 1st & last series issues, (4) prefixes H17B, S02A (2) and S23A, (9) prefixes H39J (3), H42J (3), H81B, L28J & L52J, (3) prefixes K53K and s S72S & S76S, some s, average EF or better

Auction 122
English Banknotes s (3) all with Chief Cashier ed signatures of J.B., B320 prefix X28A about EF, B322 prefix EY60 and B339 prefix 53A, these both UNC

Auction 122
English Banknotes s (34) B322 (5) and B341 (29) mostly UNC with many numbers

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B268 (8) issued 1950 prefixes S40B, T17C, W34C, Y84B, L56C, N86C, E84J & Z39C last sub-series, average GEF to about UNC

Auction 122
English Banknotes s (2) B337 prefixes A01 first run pair, small spot at left, UNC

Auction 122
English Banknotes s & s low quality Italian WW2 forgeries dated 1938 (origin Naples area) with printed watermark, both about EF plus low grade £5 dated 1937 repaired with backing paper

Auction 122
English Banknotes s Jan 27th 1932 practically Mint State and excessively rare more so in this high grade serial number 139/V 22663 B229
£11,000 London Coins : A122 : Lot 209 : Ten Pounds Catterns Bristol Jan 27th 1932 practically Mint State and excessively rare more so in thi...

Auction 122
English Banknotes s B299 portrait type prefix A01 first run issued 1964, UNC

Auction 122
English Banknotes s C150 serial YR20 000884 Millennium issue with certificate, UNC

Auction 122
English Banknotes s (2) B327 portrait type prefixes M09 & M11 s issued 1971, VF to EF

This category is split into 13 pages. This is page 1.

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