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Twenty Pound Kentfield Lowther : English Banknotes

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Date Sold Category Lot Description Sale Price

Auction 187
English Banknotes s 1999 B386 (3) 2 s in Unc the third from circulation. s B354 EF, B366 VF, 2004 Darwin B400 Unc, B408 Unc, 2015 B411 (2) one Unc the other encased in plastic. s B343 AU, Gill B357 from circulation, Kentfield B362 Unc the last 2 digits of the serial number slightly out of alignment, Lowther B393 Unc, B394 LL59 EF, B395 (2 consecutives) Unc, Bailey B398 AU-Unc and Salmon B407 EF
£150 London Coins : A187 : Lot 175 : Twenty Pounds Lowther 1999 B386 (3) 2 consecutives in Unc the third from circulation. Ten Pounds Gil... London Coins : A187 : Lot 175 : Twenty Pounds Lowther 1999 B386 (3) 2 consecutives in Unc the third from circulation. Ten Pounds Gil...

Auction 185
English Banknotes (32) William (5) (1) (2) (2) GVF-Unc one with a penned number reverse, Michael Faraday (4) (3) (1) GVF-Unc, Edward Elgar (3) Lowther (1) (2) these Unc, Adam Smith (3) Bailey (2) (1) Unc, Turner reverse (17) Unc
£560 London Coins : A185 : Lot 277 : Twenty Pound (32) William Shakespeare (5) Gill (1) Page (2) Somerset (2) GVF-Unc one with a penned n... London Coins : A185 : Lot 277 : Twenty Pound (32) William Shakespeare (5) Gill (1) Page (2) Somerset (2) GVF-Unc one with a penned n...

Auction 185
English Banknotes number runs s Adam Smith reverse (3) BJ34 557056-0528 (3) HJ31 179152-154, Turner reverse (5) CB21 208391-395. s , (2) JR25 297565-66, Charles (5) A05 167201-205, (6) 3 groups of 2 consecutives, Bailey Charles (6) KA01 006643-44 and KA01 006614-617, Charles Darwin (4) LK28 750051-54 generally Unc or near so
£360 London Coins : A185 : Lot 387 : Consecutive number runs Twenty Pounds Adam Smith reverse Bailey (3) BJ34 557056-0528 Salmon (3) HJ31... London Coins : A185 : Lot 387 : Consecutive number runs Twenty Pounds Adam Smith reverse Bailey (3) BJ34 557056-0528 Salmon (3) HJ31...

Auction 185
English Banknotes s Michael Faraday reverse (introduced 1991) a high grade group (5) (3), (1), (1) all Unc

Auction 184
English Banknotes s Watt and Boulton prefix AC39 A high grade group. s Faraday AH40 prefix, Edward Elgar Pick 386 (13) includes s, Adam Smith B405 (3) 2 being consecutives. s HT25 prefix generally AU-Unc
£380 London Coins : A184 : Lot 126 :  Fifty Pounds Salmon Watt and Boulton prefix AC39 A high grade group. Twenty Pounds Kentfield Farada... London Coins : A184 : Lot 126 :  Fifty Pounds Salmon Watt and Boulton prefix AC39 A high grade group. Twenty Pounds Kentfield Farada...

Auction 179
English Banknotes s (13) 1994 Faraday AD prefix 2 s, BC55 4 consecutives and CH19 4 consecutives. 1999 Faraday B384 prefix DA66 3 consecutives generally EF-AU
£300 London Coins : A179 : Lot 72 : Twenty Pounds (13) Kentfield 1994 Faraday AD prefix 2 consecutives, BC55 4 consecutives and CH19 4 c... London Coins : A179 : Lot 72 : Twenty Pounds (13) Kentfield 1994 Faraday AD prefix 2 consecutives, BC55 4 consecutives and CH19 4 c...

Auction 177
English Banknotes A in an album s 1922 T30 K/79 45792 Fine, 1917 T16 A/76 798706 about Fine, 1919 T24 U/88 701061 aVF one or two pinholes. Ten Shillings Mauve K51D 706121 about Fine, (2) Prefix N40 and R48 both VF, 47U 583969 GVF, One Pound Peppiatt Blue U28D 545801 Fine, Peppiatt Green 1948 B260 Z99A Fine, 1950 B260 B26C Fine, O'Brien 1955 B273 C75L Fine, DX11 014009 Fine, s George reverse (3) EF-Unc, (2) numbers D24 002006 and 002007 Unc, Elizabeth Fry (2) consecutive numbers HD41 751091 and 751092 Unc, Winston Churchill (9) Unc including consecutive number runs, s Hollom A14 482465 VF, Charles (5) AU-Unc including two consecutive pairs, Cleland (5) Unc consecutive runs a three and a two, s Bailey AD27 835409 AU, Turner reverse Cleland (3) Unc two being a consecutive pair

Auction 177
English Banknotes s William 1970 B328 C26 220532 Unc, s 1967 B316 prefix A46 EF, Nightingale 1980 B347 prefix 04J Unc, 2004 B400cs column sort EL78 158226 Unc, YR20 Presentation Pack YR20 000769 as issued, s Fforde 1967 B312 prefix R48 EF, (2) B336 and B353 both Unc, George (2) Gill B357 and B364 Unc, Lowther Fry 2002 B393 HA01 007687 Unc
£160 London Coins : A177 : Lot 18 : Twenty Pounds Page William Shakespeare 1970 B328 C26 220532 Unc, Ten Pounds Fforde 1967 B316 prefix ... London Coins : A177 : Lot 18 : Twenty Pounds Page William Shakespeare 1970 B328 C26 220532 Unc, Ten Pounds Fforde 1967 B316 prefix ...

Auction 177
English Banknotes s 1992 Charles B366 A01 005092 and s Faraday 1999 B384 Last Series (from pack C148) DA80 999130 both Unc
£120 London Coins : A177 : Lot 38 : Ten Pounds Kentfield 1992 Charles Dickens B366 A01 005092 and Twenty Pounds Lowther Faraday 1999 B38... London Coins : A177 : Lot 38 : Ten Pounds Kentfield 1992 Charles Dickens B366 A01 005092 and Twenty Pounds Lowther Faraday 1999 B38...

Auction 177
English Banknotes s B351 30A 920589 VF, s (3) Somerset 1980 B343 Unc, 1993 B364 AC55 340643 VF, B393 HA13 092383 Unc. s (10) 1934 B238 AEF and 1948 B260 first series S63A pressed EF, 1950 B268 AU, O'Brien 1955 B273 Z76K AU and Y35J GVF, 1963 B288 Unc and B292 C60W 641908 AU, B322 EF and 1978 B337 A01 004149 first run Unc, Somerset 1981 B341 BU23 Unc. s (12) O'Brien 1955 B271 Y09X 418647 pressed VF, Hollom 1963 B295 (3) VF-Unc and B296 M28 713731 VF, 1967 B309 (3) F-Unc, B310 (3) Unc or near so. B311 replacement M79 AU. Along with First £1 Note 1797-1997 200th Anniversary Commemorative Coin Cover includes Somerset £1 CT19 176954 and a One Pound coin Unc

Auction 176
English Banknotes s William 1970 B328 (2) both Unc, B355 (1) EF, Faraday (1) EF, Elgar (6), (5), Adam Smith Bailey (11), (1), (9), issue John (7) these mostly Unc and including number runs. s Kentfield 1994 B377 (2) AU-Unc, Bailey B404 AU (1), Salmon B410 (2) Unc along with an album containing a set of BAFs and Guernsey Pounds (2) signed Bull and Clark from circulation
£1,100 London Coins : A176 : Lot 122 : Twenty Pounds Page William Shakespeare 1970 B328 (2) both Unc, Gill B355 (1) EF, Faraday Kentfield (... London Coins : A176 : Lot 122 : Twenty Pounds Page William Shakespeare 1970 B328 (2) both Unc, Gill B355 (1) EF, Faraday Kentfield (...

Auction 173
English Banknotes s (5 ) 1970 B328 A17 666897, 1991 B358 A04 prefix, 1991 B371 J41 prefix, 1999 Shakespeare B386 DA80 prefix, 2007 B405 first run AA01 439554, s (3) 1967 B316 A56 prefix, 1971 B326 C62 prefix, Lowther 2000 B390 first run AA01 006720, s (7) Hollom 1963 E77 prefix, Fforde 1967 B312 X502 prefix and B314 12B prefix, 1980 B343 DZ25 prefix, Gill 1990 B357 B81 prefix, Kentfield 1993 B363 AA06 prefix, Lowther B393 2002 HA01 prefix a high grade group all AU-Unc
£460 London Coins : A173 : Lot 74 : Twenty Pounds  (5 ) Page Shakespeare 1970 B328 A17 666897, Gill 1991 B358 A04 prefix, Kentfield 1991... London Coins : A173 : Lot 74 : Twenty Pounds  (5 ) Page Shakespeare 1970 B328 A17 666897, Gill 1991 B358 A04 prefix, Kentfield 1991...

Auction 173
English Banknotes s B355 GVF, 1994 Faraday B375 (2) VF-EF, 1999 Elgar (2) B386 AU and B387 LL30 959879 EF, 2004 B402 (4) AU - Unc, John current issue Unc
£360 London Coins : A173 : Lot 80 : Twenty Pounds Gill B355 GVF,  Kentfield 1994 Faraday B375 (2)  VF-EF, Lowther 1999 Elgar (2) B386 AU... London Coins : A173 : Lot 80 : Twenty Pounds Gill B355 GVF,  Kentfield 1994 Faraday B375 (2)  VF-EF, Lowther 1999 Elgar (2) B386 AU...

Auction 173
English Banknotes s B351 30A 920589 VF, s (3) Somerset 1980 B343 Unc, 1993 B364 AC55 340643 VF, B393 HA13 092383 Unc. s (10) 1934 B238 AEF and 1948 B260 first series S63A pressed EF, 1950 B268 AU, O'Brien 1955 B273 Z76K AU and Y35J GVF, 1963 B288 Unc and B292 C60W 641908 AU, B322 EF and 1978 B337 A01 004149 first run Unc, Somerset 1981 B341 BU23 Unc. s (12) O'Brien 1955 B271 Y09X 418647 pressed VF, Hollom 1963 B295 (3) VF-Unc and B296 M28 713731 VF, 1967 B309 (3) F-Unc, B310 (3) Unc or near so. B311 replacement M79 AU. Along with First £1 Note 1797-1997 200th Anniversary Commemorative Coin Cover includes Somerset £1 CT19 176954 and a One Pound coin Unc
£95 London Coins : A173 : Lot 78 : Twenty Pounds Somerset B351 30A 920589 VF, Five Pounds (3) Somerset 1980 B343 Unc, Kentfield 1993 B3... London Coins : A173 : Lot 78 : Twenty Pounds Somerset B351 30A 920589 VF, Five Pounds (3) Somerset 1980 B343 Unc, Kentfield 1993 B3...

Auction 165
English Banknotes s (11) 1970 B328 first series A33 909672 pressed GVF, B351 issued 1984, on reverse, series 18J 717065 EF, 1988 B355 (2) series 01N 005607 and 27W 236688 both pressed GVF - EF and B358 A10 774546 EF, 1994 B375 CE04 295459 AU, B386 (2) BE78 363200 and CA42 093050 both AU, 2004 B402 EC04 015004 EF and B405 AA08 806279 EF, B409 issued 2012 JE60 181832 Unc
£240 London Coins : A165 : Lot 225 : Twenty Pounds (11) Page 1970 B328 first series A33 909672 pressed GVF, Somerset B351 issued 1984, Sh... London Coins : A165 : Lot 225 : Twenty Pounds (11) Page 1970 B328 first series A33 909672 pressed GVF, Somerset B351 issued 1984, Sh...

Auction 165
English Banknotes Bank Of (3) a denomination set from presentation packs in the original plastic holders and UNC comprising s QE2 & Charles B369 Denomination at top right issue 1993 series HM50 000691 from C124 Limited edition Green Boxed Presentation Set. s QE2 & Sir Edward Elgar B386 Foil Hologram issue 1999 series QM10 000147 from C155 Limited Edition Presentation Set. s Kentfield QE2 & Sir John Houblon B377 Silver Foil Tudor Rose issue 1994 series YR19 990460 from C141 Limited Edition Black Boxed Presentation Set

Auction 162
English Banknotes s (18), B238 issued 1970 mid run '01' prefix series C01 668232, Uncirculated, B355 issued 1988 mid run '01' prefix series 01T 660679, about Uncirculated, Gill B358 issued 1991 FIRST RUN series A01 999828 (from Debden set C102), about Uncirculated, B371 issued 1991 FIRST RUN series E01 001046 and series R26 243821, both Uncirculated, Kentfield B374 issued 1993 FIRST RUN series X01 001476, Uncirculated, B384 issued 1999 LAST RUN series DA80 999601 (from Debden set C148), Uncirculated, Lowther B386 (5) including 4 FIRST RUN notes series prefix AA01, B402 (2) including a Column Sort series BL37 485737, Uncirculated, Bailey B403 REPLACEMENT note series LL25 795085, Uncirculated, Bailey B405 (2) Uncirculated, very nice high grade set of notes
£830 London Coins : A162 : Lot 156 : Twenty Pounds (18), Page B238 issued 1970 mid run '01' prefix series C01 668232, Uncircula... London Coins : A162 : Lot 156 : Twenty Pounds (18), Page B238 issued 1970 mid run '01' prefix series C01 668232, Uncircula...

Auction 161
English Banknotes s (7), (3) prefix A01, (3) prefixes X01 & CL99, (1) prefix DA01, all FIRST and LAST RUN notes, about Uncirculated and Uncirculated
£340 London Coins : A161 : Lot 112 : Twenty Pounds (7), Gill (3) prefix A01, Kentfield (3) prefixes X01 & CL99, Lowther (1) prefix DA... London Coins : A161 : Lot 112 : Twenty Pounds (7), Gill (3) prefix A01, Kentfield (3) prefixes X01 & CL99, Lowther (1) prefix DA...

Auction 150
English Banknotes Coin and Banknote Sets (6) 1996 II 70th Birthday s HM70 001803 UNC and Crown 1996 Silver Proof FDC, 1998 Prince of 50th Birthday Ten Pounds Kentfield PW50 000380 UNC and Five Pound Crown 1998 Silver Proof FDC, 1998 Prince of Wales 50th Birthday Ten Pounds Kentfield PW50 000314 UNC and Five Pound Crown 1998 Silver Proof FDC, 1998 Prince of Wales 50th Birthday Ten Pounds Kentfield PW50 000500 UNC and Five Pound Crown 1998 Silver Proof FDC, 1998 Prince of Wales 50th Birthday Ten Pounds Kentfield PW50 000311 UNC and Five Pound Crown 1998 Silver Proof FDC, 2000 Millennium s YR20 000220 and Five Pound Crown 2000 Silver Proof the reverse with gold highlighting FDC, in the cases of issue with certificates

Auction 150
English Banknotes s (2) 2000 YR20 000871 UNC with certificate (from the Millennium Year C150 set), 2003 Coronation 50th Anniversary QC50 000616 UNC (from the C173 set) along with s Lowther DA01 999929 and Kentfield CL99 999929 UNC in the pack of issue

Auction 140
English Banknotes s B375 series BL01 416121 gFine and £20 B387 series LL30 959879 EF
£90 London Coins : A140 : Lot 299 : Twenty pounds Kentfield B375 series BL01 416121 gFine and Lowther £20 B387 replacement series ...

Auction 138
English Banknotes s B375 series BL01 416121 gFine and £20 B387 series LL30 959879 EF
£45 London Coins : A138 : Lot 313 : Twenty pounds Kentfield B375 series BL01 416121 gFine and Lowther £20 B387 replacement series ...

Auction 125
English Banknotes s (1), s Somerset (1), (1), s (13) Somerset (1), Gill (4), (4), (4), (10) Blue (2), Peppiatt (2), (1), (2), (2), Somerset (1), s (5) Peppiatt (1), Fforde (4), One Pound (2), Clydesdale One Pound (1), One Pound (1), Bank of Ireland One Pound (1), Five Pounds second series (1), One Pound second series (1), third series (1) and fourth series (1), Fifty Pence sixth series (2), Ten Pence sixth series (2), Five Pence sixth series (2), earlier notes in mixed grades VF-NEF, later notes mostly in UNC

Auction 121
English Banknotes A in an album (61) s (5) B385 (2) numbers, Duggleby B370 (2) consecutive numbers, Duggleby B355, s (6) Gill B354 (2) consecutive numbers, Kentfield Duggleby B366 (4) two pairs of consecutive numbers, s (2) December 4 1944, O,Brien July 23 1956, Five Pounds (9) Kentfield Duggleby B362 R36 prefix (2 consecutive numbers), Gill Duggleby B353 RD prefix (4,two pairs of close consecutive numbers), Duggleby B297 , (24) (1), Blue (1), (1), (15) (5) later notes with many consecutives, s (23) (7), Hollom (6), O'Brien (4), (1), Peppiatt (4), Catterns (1), One Pound (5) 1992 consecutive numbers, in mixed grades many VF or better some later notes in UNC

Auction 112
English Banknotes s (2) B370 prefix K25 & B382 prefix DA69, counting flick only, about UNC to UNC £60

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