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Ten Pounds Twenty Pounds Ten Shilling One Po... : English Banknotes

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Date Sold Category Lot Description Sale Price

Auction 185
English Banknotes s reverse A17 prefix AU, H05 prefix GVF. s Lion and Key Page prefix C46 EF, Somerset BN69 prefix VF. s reverse Page prefix A68 Fine and Somerset prefix DN10 AU, Elizabeth Fry (2) from circulation. Britannia in Medallion Page (4) one EF the others a trio AU, Isaac Somerset AU. s (2) one VG the other VF. (2) £10 6.2.2012 AU, £1 1986 VF along with fantasy gold banknote £5 Churchill
£140 London Coins : A185 : Lot 313 : Twenty Pounds Shakespeare reverse Page A17 prefix AU, Somerset H05 prefix GVF. Ten Pounds Lion and K... London Coins : A185 : Lot 313 : Twenty Pounds Shakespeare reverse Page A17 prefix AU, Somerset H05 prefix GVF. Ten Pounds Lion and K...

Auction 180
English Banknotes s reverse 23W prefix VF inked number on front, s Gill reverse (2) numbers SE31 109017 and 109018, (3) consecutives B12 307246-248 these AU-Unc, blue (7) and green 1948 B260 (4) these generally about Fine, O'Brien 1955 B273 and these VG, s aVF
£95 London Coins : A180 : Lot 117 : Twenty Pounds Gill Shakespeare reverse 23W prefix VF inked number on front, Five Pounds Gill Welling... London Coins : A180 : Lot 117 : Twenty Pounds Gill Shakespeare reverse 23W prefix VF inked number on front, Five Pounds Gill Welling...

Auction 177
English Banknotes A in an album s 1922 T30 K/79 45792 Fine, 1917 T16 A/76 798706 about Fine, 1919 T24 U/88 701061 aVF one or two pinholes. Ten Shillings Mauve K51D 706121 about Fine, (2) Prefix N40 and R48 both VF, 47U 583969 GVF, One Pound Peppiatt Blue U28D 545801 Fine, Peppiatt Green 1948 B260 Z99A Fine, 1950 B260 B26C Fine, O'Brien 1955 B273 C75L Fine, DX11 014009 Fine, s George reverse (3) EF-Unc, (2) numbers D24 002006 and 002007 Unc, Elizabeth Fry (2) consecutive numbers HD41 751091 and 751092 Unc, Winston Churchill (9) Unc including consecutive number runs, s Hollom A14 482465 VF, Charles (5) AU-Unc including two consecutive pairs, Cleland (5) Unc consecutive runs a three and a two, s Bailey AD27 835409 AU, Turner reverse Cleland (3) Unc two being a consecutive pair

Auction 177
English Banknotes s B351 30A 920589 VF, s (3) Somerset 1980 B343 Unc, 1993 B364 AC55 340643 VF, B393 HA13 092383 Unc. s (10) 1934 B238 AEF and 1948 B260 first series S63A pressed EF, 1950 B268 AU, O'Brien 1955 B273 Z76K AU and Y35J GVF, 1963 B288 Unc and B292 C60W 641908 AU, B322 EF and 1978 B337 A01 004149 first run Unc, Somerset 1981 B341 BU23 Unc. s (12) O'Brien 1955 B271 Y09X 418647 pressed VF, Hollom 1963 B295 (3) VF-Unc and B296 M28 713731 VF, 1967 B309 (3) F-Unc, B310 (3) Unc or near so. B311 replacement M79 AU. Along with First £1 Note 1797-1997 200th Anniversary Commemorative Coin Cover includes Somerset £1 CT19 176954 and a One Pound coin Unc

Auction 176
English Banknotes number pairs, s 2011 B410 AC47 401932 and 933, s 2007 B405 AB62 472012 and 013, and Elgar 2004 B402 EA19 956485 and 486, s Bailey 2004 B400 CD10 358236 and 237, s 1970 B353 SB53 564300 and 301 and 1990 B357 A02 581864 and 865, s 1978 B337 A06 494597 and 598 along with One Pound Page B322 prefix HX53 (5) consecutives and Ten Pounds B366, One Pound DN59 prefix, s B310 (2) these all generally Unc or near so then £10 (2) and £5 (2) from circulation. Belgium 5 Francs 01.02.43 Fine and USA Military Payment Certificate 5 Cents Series 481 Fine
£260 London Coins : A176 : Lot 136 : Consecutive number pairs, Fifty Pounds Salmon 2011 B410 AC47 401932 and 933, Twenty Pounds Bailey 20... London Coins : A176 : Lot 136 : Consecutive number pairs, Fifty Pounds Salmon 2011 B410 AC47 401932 and 933, Twenty Pounds Bailey 20...

Auction 173
English Banknotes s (2) B328 A37 910221 , s 1999 B382 First Run KL01 837396, s Lowther Fry 2002 B393 JA76 prefix, s B289 M73 prefix and B292 21M prefix, Page replacements (2) 1970 B321 S66M prefix and B323 MT19 prefix, s O'Brien B286, Hollom B294 and B296 replacement M32 prefix, BAF 3 Pence (1946) Pick M9 all Unc or near so
£260 London Coins : A173 : Lot 73 : Twenty Pounds (2) Page B328 A37 910221 , Ten Pounds Lowther Dickens 1999 B382 First Run KL01 837396,... London Coins : A173 : Lot 73 : Twenty Pounds (2) Page B328 A37 910221 , Ten Pounds Lowther Dickens 1999 B382 First Run KL01 837396,...

Auction 173
English Banknotes s B351 30A 920589 VF, s (3) Somerset 1980 B343 Unc, 1993 B364 AC55 340643 VF, B393 HA13 092383 Unc. s (10) 1934 B238 AEF and 1948 B260 first series S63A pressed EF, 1950 B268 AU, O'Brien 1955 B273 Z76K AU and Y35J GVF, 1963 B288 Unc and B292 C60W 641908 AU, B322 EF and 1978 B337 A01 004149 first run Unc, Somerset 1981 B341 BU23 Unc. s (12) O'Brien 1955 B271 Y09X 418647 pressed VF, Hollom 1963 B295 (3) VF-Unc and B296 M28 713731 VF, 1967 B309 (3) F-Unc, B310 (3) Unc or near so. B311 replacement M79 AU. Along with First £1 Note 1797-1997 200th Anniversary Commemorative Coin Cover includes Somerset £1 CT19 176954 and a One Pound coin Unc
£95 London Coins : A173 : Lot 78 : Twenty Pounds Somerset B351 30A 920589 VF, Five Pounds (3) Somerset 1980 B343 Unc, Kentfield 1993 B3... London Coins : A173 : Lot 78 : Twenty Pounds Somerset B351 30A 920589 VF, Five Pounds (3) Somerset 1980 B343 Unc, Kentfield 1993 B3...

Auction 173
English Banknotes s (2) 1988 B355 05 M prefix and Elgar 2004 B402 column sort BL22 639181 both Unc, s 1999 B382 KL77 prefix EF, s Lowther Fry 2002 HB01 prefix Unc, s B288 first series B11N EF mid series (3) Au-Unc, 1970 B323 MU16 prefix Unc, Page B320 (1) near Fine, B322 (4) VF-Unc, s Hollom B294 and B296 replacement M28 prefix AU
£85 London Coins : A173 : Lot 79 : Twenty Pounds (2) Gill Shakespeare 1988 B355 05 M prefix and Bailey Elgar 2004 B402 column sort BL22... London Coins : A173 : Lot 79 : Twenty Pounds (2) Gill Shakespeare 1988 B355 05 M prefix and Bailey Elgar 2004 B402 column sort BL22...

Auction 165
English Banknotes in an album (56) mostly in mixed circulated grades comprises s Note B270 dated 25th November 1949 series P05 090648. s T12.2 De La Rue Red issue 1915 series D1/3 01409. Ten Shillings (2) T26 Red Dash in No. First issue 1919 last series H38 112465 and T30 Second Issue Red No. omitted prefix P77. s Lion & Key B327 Brown issue 1971 first series M01 693529. (7) Ten Shillings to s includes s and One Pound Green B239 First Period issued 1934 first series prefix A52A. Beale (12) Ten Shillings to One Pounds. O'Brien (12) Ten Shillings to Five Pounds includes Lion & Key 1957 issues (2) B277 Shaded Symbols prefix D41 and B280 White Symbols first series prefix H22. (4) Ten Shillings and a Five Pounds. (7) 10 Shillings and One Pounds. One Pounds Page (4). s prefix AA08. Along with (2) and Jersey (2).

Auction 157
English Banknotes s (9) B351 (4) B371 (5), s (28) Kentfield B366 (6), Kentfield B360 (1), Somerset B348 (4), Somerset B349 (12), B354 (6) , s (18) B324 (1),Somerset B343 (12), Gill B353 (4), Gill B357 (1), (54) 'G' B307 (8), Page B322 (6), Page B337 (1), Page B339 (3), Somerset B341 (36), s (4) Fforde B310 (3) Fforde B311 (1)in mixed grades, the more recent issues mostly EF to UNC includes some s

Auction 155
English Banknotes s B385 K25 404154, s (5) B351 (2) 33K 722119 (last series) and 74J 009274, B358 A16 777324, Lowther B371 (2, s) J08 027899 and J08 027900 , s B326 B43 668664, s Page B324 (2) 66D 246283 and 21H 930488 (last series), (31) O'Brien (3) B281 (2) H69 939483 and R13 688759, B282 96E 667069, B288 (2) C60N 153764 and B82W 868138, B305 (3) N55D 568408, R05H 466563 and U07D 213535, Somerset B341 (23, consecutives) DX11 656201 to 656223 inclusive, s (4) O'Brien B286 (2) D88 117283 and E72 848467, Fforde B309 69Z 006363, Fforde B310 A30N 573611 in mixed grades with consecutives in UNC
£265 London Coins : A155 : Lot 1780 : Fifty Pounds Lowther B385 K25 404154, Twenty Pounds (5) Somerset B351 (2) 33K 722119 (last series) a...

Auction 155
English Banknotes s (2) B223 O18 943402 VF, B251 D04D 559008 VF, (3) Catterns B225 N11 748869 VF, Peppiatt (2) B239 B40A 643415 EF, Blue issue B249 A73H 282615 EF, s B357 C07 334863 UNC with counting flick, s Gill B354 HR84 924502 UNC, s Gill B358 D17 759675 EF

Auction 154
English Banknotes s to s comprising Twenty Pounds (12), s (37), s (77), (24), Ten Shillings (22) to in mixed grades

Auction 153
English Banknotes s to s a to (122) Twenty Pounds (2), s (6), s (31), (62), Ten Shillings (21) along with One Pound 1957 and National Bank of Scotland 1958, many in high grades includes some s

Auction 144
English Banknotes A in an album £470 face comprising s (2), s (10), s (8), s (14), (16), s (7) signatures to , the majority in high grades, plus One Pound (4), St.Helena (2) One Pound, Fifty Pence, Iceland (2) 1000 Kronur 2001, 500 Kronur 2001 EF-UNC

Auction 142
English Banknotes GB a in 8 small albums to signatures, s (6), s (29), s (33), s (31), (30), s (22), and an note from 2000 includes Five Pounds , One Pound Bradbury (2), One Pound (2), also includes First Runs, s and Column sorts, in mixed grades, along with a Book '' by 6th Edition

Auction 140
English Banknotes s to £1596 face includes Fifty Pounds A02 (2) a pair, s B328 (2), s Page B326 (2), Ten Pounds Page B330 (34), Ten Pounds Somerset B346 (14), s Page B336 (19), Five Pounds Somerset B343 (28), One Pound B305 (11), One Pound Page B322 (228), One Pound Page S90M B321 (1), One Pound Page B320 (129), One Pound Page B339 (78), One Pound Page B340 A01N First Run a consecutive pair UNC, One Pound Somerset B341 (115), One Pound Page B337 (120), s Fforde B310 (50), (4) Five Pounds (2) 1972 and 1973, One Pound (2)1967 and 1969 issues, a high grade group with the majority in UNC and a good proportion are consecutively numbered

Auction 129
English Banknotes A in an album comprising s (3), s (5), s (8), (123), s (18), One Pound (6), Fifty Pence (2), Ten Pence (2), Five Pence (2) all but a small quantity in mint state or near so, One Shilling About Fine , South Africa 10 shilling Mafeking Siege note dated 1900, with word "Commaning", Pick s654a About Fine with tape residue over a large proportion of the reverse of the note, General Bank one pound dated 1822 for John Hine and Henry Joseph Holdsworth, Grant957A a few pinholes Near Fine, s (44) One Pound (1), Fifty Pence (43) all 1993 or later and with s, EF-UNC

Auction 125
English Banknotes s (1), s Somerset (1), (1), s (13) Somerset (1), Gill (4), (4), (4), (10) Blue (2), Peppiatt (2), (1), (2), (2), Somerset (1), s (5) Peppiatt (1), Fforde (4), One Pound (2), Clydesdale One Pound (1), One Pound (1), Bank of Ireland One Pound (1), Five Pounds second series (1), One Pound second series (1), third series (1) and fourth series (1), Fifty Pence sixth series (2), Ten Pence sixth series (2), Five Pence sixth series (2), earlier notes in mixed grades VF-NEF, later notes mostly in UNC

Auction 121
English Banknotes A in an album (61) s (5) B385 (2) numbers, Duggleby B370 (2) consecutive numbers, Duggleby B355, s (6) Gill B354 (2) consecutive numbers, Kentfield Duggleby B366 (4) two pairs of consecutive numbers, s (2) December 4 1944, O,Brien July 23 1956, Five Pounds (9) Kentfield Duggleby B362 R36 prefix (2 consecutive numbers), Gill Duggleby B353 RD prefix (4,two pairs of close consecutive numbers), Duggleby B297 , (24) (1), Blue (1), (1), (15) (5) later notes with many consecutives, s (23) (7), Hollom (6), O'Brien (4), (1), Peppiatt (4), Catterns (1), One Pound (5) 1992 consecutive numbers, in mixed grades many VF or better some later notes in UNC

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