One PoundHollomB288 Green issue and a LAST series (2 consecutives) serial number prefix B04Y, AU-UNC and B291replacement last run prefix M08R VF small stains tiny fraction of bottom corner missing
O'Brien One Pound 1960 B281 last series Z15 334954 GEF, Ten Shillings 1961 B286 1st series A67 524566 AU. HollomFive Pounds 1963 B297 L03 prefix Unc, One Pound replacementB290 22M 789044 AU-Unc, Ten Shillings replacement B296 M32 prefix Fine. Fforde Five Pounds 1967 B312 X85 prefix AU (light centre fold), One Pound replacement B306 S13M 949494 AU (light centre fold), Ten Shillings 1967 B309 1st series 46R 225020 Unc or near so
One Pound (13) HollomB288 first series B93N 925813 EF, mid series (4) EF-AU, replacementB290 prefixes 08M, 55M, 58M and 68M VF-Unc G reverse B292 (4) including two A--N first series AU-Unc
One Pound (118) O'Brien B281 (2) includes low number E15 000185 NVF, O'Brien B282 (5), HollomReplacements B289 (6) a run of 6 consecutives M88 123977 to M88 123982 EF one with some discolouration on one corner, Hollom Replacement B290 16M 201979 EF, Hollom B288 (104) in mixed grades with many EF includes some consecutive runs of two, three or four notes, along with Ten Shillings (3) Hollom B294 (2) N54 163340 and Z10 950387 both EF, Fforde (1) B310 C89N 039537 EF with a corner crease and some rust marks
One Pounds Hollom & Page QE2 portrait & seated Britannia issues circa 1960's (36) all in various grades averaging VF-GVF to about UNC. Comprising Hollom (27) including the Scarcer Replacement issues (6) consisting of B290 prefix 75M. B291 prefix M05R. And B293 G Reverse (German Goebel printing) (4) including prefixes M04N, M06N, M24N and M25N. Together with B288 (18) prefixes A24W, A60Y, A64X, A68W, A85S, B11X, B87W, D08N, D60W, D79U, E01X , H83X, J15X, J74W, K05W, K89X, K90W and L19W. And B292 G Reverse (German Goebel printing) (3) prefixes L07X, D08N and D95T
One Pound O'Brien 1955 B273 (3) consecutive numbers D07K 0000169, 170 and 171 Unc or near so along with B284 (2) consecutives B55N 308195 and 196 AU-Unc, One Pounds HollomB290replacement (2) consecutives 62M 318329 and 330 AU-Unc, FfordeB303 (2) consecutives K85Z 953123 and 124 AU. Ten Shillings Hollom B293 (3) consecutives Z91 147853 - 855 Unc, Hollom B295 (3) consecutives 90A 293955 - 957 AU
One Pounds Britannia in Circle Hollomreplacements B290 prefix 86M EF and B293 M13N VF, Page replacements B321 S57M EF and S69M AU, Page Isaac Newton 1978 B337 A01 prefix VF, Last Series (3) Z29 Unc with stains, Z59 Unc and Z65 Unc, Page B340 prefix COIN (4) Unc, Somerset 1981 First Run AN01 380546 EF, AZ68 prefix Unc and DX01 840000 Unc. Ten Shillings 1963 Hollom B294 Z44 prefix Unc
One Pound O'Brien 1955 B273 (3) consecutive numbers D07K 0000169, 170 and 171 Unc or near so along with B284 (2) consecutives B55N 308195 and 196 AU-Unc, One Pounds HollomB290replacement (2) consecutives 62M 318329 and 330 AU-Unc, FfordeB303 (2) consecutives K85Z 953123 and 124 AU. Ten Shillings Hollom B293 (3) consecutives Z91 147853 - 855 Unc, Hollom B295 (3) consecutives 90A 293955 - 957 AU
Ten Pounds Somerset BR45 prefix B348 Unc and with a fish tail error bottom right corner but now with the body of the fish tail torn off but clear evidence of additional paper protruding at an angle remain, Five Pounds O'Brien Lion and Key (6) one being B277 prefix D04 the others B280 these F-VF, Ten Shillings (6) O'Brien 1955 B271 about Fine and 1961 B286 1st series A48 prefix AU, Hollom 1963 B294 W39 prefix VF and B296replacement M33 641202, Fforde 1967 B310 (2) one VF the other Unc
GB (11), British Armed Forces (5), World (16), comprising GB Bank of England (11) Five Pounds SalmonB407 LH01 782120 EF, One Pound (8) BealeB268 K19J 428234 Fine, HollomB288 A71Y 555285 Good Fine, FfordeReplacementB306 S46M 732818 Fine, Page Britannia B322 (2) ER42 475777 NVF and ES60 162512 Good Fine, Page B339 34H 134177 Fine, SomersetB341 (2) BR82 172168 Good Fine, and DR21 307858 EF, Ten Shillings (2) O'Brien B271 J22Y 682337 Fine, Hollom B295 62L 429243, British Armed Forces (5) One Shilling 1946 First issue NVF, Sixpence 1946 First Issue (4) VF to GVF, World (16) Scotland - Royal Bank of ScotlandTen Pounds 1989 issue 22.2.1989 Pick 348a NVF, Austria (5) 100 Kronen 1912 with Deutchosterreich overprintPick 56 VG, 20 Kronen 2.Jan.1922 Pick 76 Fine, Ten Kronen 2.Jan 1922 Pick 75 Fine, Two Kronen 2.Jan 1922 Pick 74 Fine, 50 Schilling 1944 issue Pick 102b VG, Netherlands Gulden 1938 issue Pick 61 VG, Russia Three Chervotsa Pick 203a VG, Burma One Rupee (undated 1942) Pick 14 Fine, Zimbabwe (2) Five Dollars 1983 Pick 2cVF, Two Dollars 1994 issue Pick 1d Near Fine, Germany (5) 20 Marks 1914 with 7-digit serial number Pick 46b, VG, 500 Marks 2.12.1922 watermark Lattice Pick 81b Near Fine, 100000 Marks 1923 issue green paper Pick 91a Fine, One Mark 1944 issue, 9-digit serial number without F, Pick 192b Fine, Half Mark 1944 issue Pick 191 Fine, some of the GB issues with ink marks
Bank of England (53) One Pound (35) BealeB268 (7) includes first prefix sub-series A61C 881381, Beale B269Replacement S16S 279977, O'Brien Britannia series A B273 (21) includes first prefix sub-series A08K 837710, O'Brien Series C Portrait B281 (2), HollomB292 (1), PageB320 (1), Page B322 (2) mostly Fine to VF many have multiple folds, a few with inked numbers, Ten Shillings (18) Hollom B295 (2), FfordeB310 (16) a few Fine, mostly NVF to EF
One Pound (79) Peppiatt Green (2), Peppiatt Blue wartime issues (26), Beale (17), O'Brien Replacements B274 (2), O'Brien (29), PageB340 E54N last series, SomersetB341 (2), Ten Shillings HollomB294 (2), Jersey One Pound (4) Padgham, Clennett, and Baird signatures, and 1995 Baird, 50th Anniversary of the Liberation of Jersey issue, Austria 100 Kronen 1922 along with USA $59 face back to 1935 issues in mixed circulated grades some with pencil or inked annotations
GB Bank of England & Treasury issues (52) in mixed grades average VF-GVF and above comprising 10 Shillings to 5 Pounds various issues and cashiers, including a few scarcer notes as HollomB296Replacement issue 1963. FfordeB309 & B310 issues including a pair of consecutively numbered REPLACEMENT notes series M64 428337 & M64 428338, a further replacement note series M78 151683, plus a note with a FUN serial number 22X 222228. One Pounds QE2 portraited & seated Britannia most of which in consecutively numbered sets/pairs. Treasury 10 Shillings FisherT30 issue 1922 serial number R34 349492. One Pounds Green Britannia medallion issues
One Pounds Hollom & Page QE2 portrait & seated Britannia issues circa 1960's (36) all in various grades averaging VF-GVF to about UNC. Comprising Hollom (27) including the Scarcer Replacement issues (6) consisting of B290 prefix 75M. B291 prefix M05R. And B293 G Reverse (German Goebel printing) (4) including prefixes M04N, M06N, M24N and M25N. Together with B288 (18) prefixes A24W, A60Y, A64X, A68W, A85S, B11X, B87W, D08N, D60W, D79U, E01X , H83X, J15X, J74W, K05W, K89X, K90W and L19W. And B292 G Reverse (German Goebel printing) (3) prefixes L07X, D08N and D95T. A collectible and varied group
Collection in an album (56) mostly Bank of England in mixed circulated grades comprises Five Pounds BealeWhite Note B270 dated 25th November 1949 series P05 090648. Ten Shillings BradburyT12.2 De La Rue Red issue 1915 series D1/3 01409. Ten Shillings Fisher (2) T26 Red Dash in No. First issue 1919 last series H38 112465 and T30 Second Issue Red No. omitted prefix P77. Ten Pounds Page Lion & Key B327 Brown Replacement issue 1971 first series M01 693529. Peppiatt (7) Ten Shillings to One Pounds includes Emergency Issues and One Pound Green B239 First Period issued 1934 first series prefix A52A. Beale (12) Ten Shillings to One Pounds. O'Brien (12) Ten Shillings to Five Pounds includes Lion & Key 1957 issues (2) B277 Shaded Symbols prefix D41 and B280 White Symbols first series prefix H22. Hollom (4) Ten Shillings and a Five Pounds. Fforde (7) 10 Shillings and One Pounds. One Pounds Page (4). LowtherTwenty Pounds prefix AA08. Along with Scotland (2) and Jersey (2).
Bank of EnglandHollomTen Shillings to Five Pounds (21) a mixed grade high grade group includes about UNC - UNC comprising Ten Shillings QE2 portrait & seated Britannia issues 1963 (10) including a Replacement issue B296 series M20 415822, B294 (4) FIRST series K65 292958 along with Y33 138543 and a consecutive pair Z54 020436 & Z54 020437 and B295 (5) series 35A 070745, 65A 140325, 02K 083290, 89K 111536 & LAST series 20R 682653. One Pounds QE2 portrait & seated Britannia issues 1963 (9) including a Replacement B291 series M05R 592344, B292 (2) FIRST and LAST series A17N 240990 & L04X 614778 and B288 (6) series D28N 168651, D84X 625062, L70T 109021 and a consecutive trio K99X 194748 to K99X 194750. Five Pounds QE2 portrait & seated child Britannia B297 issues 1963 (2) series A92 620603 & B54 906890
Bank of England (27) a rich group Peppiatt (7) Ten Shillings B262 Red/Brown Threaded issue 1948 Fourth Period, last series 09E 383453, about UNC, Ten Shillings Emergency Issue (2) B251 Mauve Metal Thread issue 1940, series O73D 260948 about UNC & A58D 057059 UNC, One Pounds Emergency Issue (3) B249 Blue/Pink Metal Thread issue 1940, series K43D 902092 GEF - about UNC, D22H 224767 GVF & M38H 559024 VF light stains, and One Pound Green B238 First Period issue 1934, series 86U 519578, GVF, Beale (3) Ten Shillings (2) B266 Red/Brown Issue 1950, series T50Z 798118 Fine & E10Z 733491 about UNC, One Pound Green B268, series T75C 988661 about VF, O'Brien (5) One Pound Green B273 issue 1955 VF, Five Pounds Lion & Key (2) B277 issued 1957, series C55 518957 & C63 099191 both VF, One Pound QE2 portrait and seated Britannia B282 issued 1960, series 97J 898820 about UNC, Ten Shillings QE2 portrait & seated Britannia B286 issue 1961, first series A16 708574 VF, Hollom (3) One Pound QE2 & seated Britannia B288 issued 1963, series K91W 720387 about UNC, Ten Shillings (2) the first B294 issue1963 series Y42 502805 GEF & the second B295 issued 1963, series 36D 516999, Fine, Hollom (4) One Pound QE2 portrait & seated Britannia B305 issued 1967, series U23B 534761 UNC, Ten Shillings(2) QE2 portrait & seated Britannia B310 issued 1967, last series D03N 504903 UNC & C69N 148439 about VF, Five Pounds QE2 & child Britannia B314 issued 1967, series 27B 287191 about VF, Page (3) One Pounds(2) the first QE2 portrait & seated Britannia B321Replacement Issue 1970, series S64M 944900 about UNC and the second B340 QE2 & Sir Isaac Newton issue 1978, series B26N 197348 UNC, Five Pounds QE2 & child Britannia B324 issued 1971, series 16D 210497 Fine, Somerset(2) One Pounds QE2 & Sir Isaac Newton, B341 "W" Reverse issue 1981, series BN62 631000 interesting serial with a little bit of extended security thread coming from the bottom & BN74 575440 both UNC
Bank of EnglandOne Pounds (34) in mixed grades to about UNC some pressed & washed comprising One Pounds Green (11) O'Brien (3) B274Replacement issue prefix S73S and B273 issued 1955 (2) prefixes J89K & E28L. BealeB268 issued 1950 (5) prefixes D26C, H35C, H13C, J85C and J30J. Peppiatt (3) B239 First Period Unthreaded prefix H02A and B260 Fourth period Threaded issues (2) prefixes C06B and C07B. Along with One Pounds QE2 portrait & seated Britannia (23) comprising O'Brien (2) prefixes D31 and 30T. Hollom (6) prefixes D95T, L11T, E79T and a consecutive set of 3 L29N 130980 - 130982. FfordeB305 issue series R51D 184812. PageB322 issues (14) prefixes EW56, consecutive trio CZ04, consecutive set of 5 HX17 and another consecutive set of 5 HY39.
Bank of England a small group in mixed grades VF - UNC (14) comprising Catterns (1) One Pound Green B225 issued 1930 last series Z55 448173. Peppiatt (5) Ten Shillings B236 Unthreaded issue 1934 series 86W 003755, One Pound Green B238 issued 1934 last series 97Z 230070,One Pound Emergency Issue from the Second Period B249 Blue/Pink Metal Thread issue 1940 (2) - the first being the last series A35H 802356 and the second being last series shades X58H 227632, Ten Shillings Emergency Issue B251 Mauve and with a Metal Thread issued 1940 series M71D 626135. Beale (2) Ten Shillings B266 issued 1950 first series Z46Z 892995 and One Pound Green B269Replacement issue 1950 series S36S 421731. O'Brien (4) Ten Shillings (2) the first being B271 issued 1955 first series D92Z 630560 and the second being B286 QE2 portrait issued 1961 series D06 384029, along with One Pound Green (2) the first being B274 a later Replacement issue 1955 series S18T 549046 and the second being B273 an earlier issue 1955 series L98J 869831 .Hollom (2) One Pound a consecutively numbered pair B288 issued 1963 series D11U 519394 and D11U 519395
One Pound (14) Fforde 1967 issue (9) - a consecutively numbered set of 2 B305 - series T50L 888924 and T50L 888925 GVF/EF respectively, 2 consecutively numbered sets B307 "G" reverse - the first is a set of 2 - series R74B 042556 and R74B 042557 both about UNC - UNC, and the second is a set of 3 - series U15E 858588, U15E 858589 and U15E 858590 all in GVF, along with 2 Replacement "G" reverse notes B308 - series N10M 605134 in VF and N03M 433799 in GVF-EF with minor light folds and dents. Hollom (2) 1963 Replacement issue B290 series 41M 463686 in GVF and Replacement "G" reverse issue B293 series M15N 151884 in VF with some toning spots. Page (3) 1970 issue - a Replacement note B321 series W32M 507449 in GVF along with a consecutive set of 2 last series B322 notes series HZ15 429091 and HZ15 429092 in GVF or near, some minor toning spots
One Pound (23), O'Brien (4), Hollom (2), Fforde (1) and Page (16), all REPLACEMENT notes in high grade, great opportunity to acquire a varied selection of high grade replacements, EF to Uncirculated
One PoundHollomB291 issued 1963, QE2 portrait at right, scarce replacement last series M08R 488932, small flick only, about UNC to UNC, missing from most major collections
One PoundHollomB291 issued 1963, QE2 portrait at right, scarce replacement last series M08R 488933, small flick only, about UNC to UNC, missing from most major collections
One poundPageB323 (4) QE2 portrait issued 1970 all replacement prefixes MS80, MT19, MU16 and MW13, about UNC to UNC, One pound Page B322 (7) QE2 portrait issued 1970 prefixes AN93 first series, BN01, DY13, EN80, EZ27, HU07 & last series HZ10, a few about EF or better to mostly UNC, One pound Page B321 (3) QE2 portrait issued 1970 replacement prefixes S66M about UNC, W50M about UNC and X11M UNC One pound HollomB289 QE2 portrait issued 1963 replacement prefix M73, EF+
One Pounds HollomB288 to B293 (21) issued 1963, QE2 portrait at right, includes various replacements (5) 60M GVF, 85M, 94M, M03N & M25N, Fine to VF, remainder mostly GVF-EF
One poundHollomB290 QE2 portrait issued 1963 replacement prefix 38M, GEF, One pound Hollom B292 (3) QE2 portrait issued 1963 prefixes A13N first series GVF, D99T UNC and L22X last series about UNC, Five pounds LowtherB362 issued 2000 serial QM10 000092 (from C152 presentation set), Queen Mother commemorative, UNC, One pound FfordeB301 (6) QE2 portrait issued 1967 prefixes D45Y, H85Y, A11Z, D01Z, J96Z and last series L23Z, mostly EF to about UNC, One pound PageB340 (5) issued 1978, Newton on reverse, different letter prefixes, first series A13N UNC, B78N UNC, C02N aU-UNC, D34N UNC and last series E79N in UNC Ten shillings Fforde B310 (4) issued 1967, prefixes A44N UNC, C42N GEF, D01N UNC and D02N UNC
One poundHollomB288 (13) QE2 portrait issued 1963 various prefixes from C60N to A48Y, some lower grades, many aUNC or better, One pound Hollom B293 QE2 portrait issued 1963 replacement prefix M08N, UNC, One pound O'BrienB273 (7) issued 1955 prefixes A75L, B14L, C26L, D37L, E28L, H03L and J95L, average GVF-EF, a few aUNC
One poundPageB323 (4) QE2 portrait issued 1970 all replacement prefixes MS80, MT19, MU16 and MW13, about UNC to UNC, One pound Page B322 (7) QE2 portrait issued 1970 prefixes AN93 first series, BN01, DY13, EN80, EZ27, HU07 & last series HZ10, a few about EF or better to mostly UNC, One pound Page B321 (3) QE2 portrait issued 1970 replacement prefixes S66M about UNC, W50M about UNC and X11M UNC One pound HollomB289 QE2 portrait issued 1963 replacement prefix M73, EF+
One PoundReplacements HollomB290 (4) prefixes 76M,78M,90M and 94M VF or better and B291 (3) prefixes M04R (2) and M07 these also VF or better
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