China, ImperialChineseGovernment Tientsin-Pukow RailwayLoan, for £100, London 1908, large format, black & orange, (11) 9 bonds have all coupons, the remaining two have all but three coupons, Fine to Near VF, some with tears where staples and pins have been removed, one with additional documentation showing : Designation of bonds, Amount, Name of customer, Folio and Dividends Due, stamped HEATHFIELD 31339, and receipt of when drawn for payment, some others showing the receipt and details of when drawn
China, ImperialChineseGovernment Hukuang Railways 1911 Gold Loan, bond for £100, issued by the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, red and black with vignette of speeding train, (5) all with some coupons About Fine to Good Fine, some with tears, comes with additional documentation showing : Designation of bonds, Amount, Name of customer, Folio and Dividends Due, stamped HEATHFIELD 31339, two showing details of when drawn for payment
China (5), ImperialChineseGovernment 1911 Tientsin-Pukow Railway supplementary Loan, bond for £100 issued by Chinese Central Railways Ltd., London 1911, ornate design, large format, black & green (4) each with four coupons, Fine with some creases, one with some red ink staining, all with attached drawing receipts, China, Kaiserlich Chinesische Tientsin-Pukow Staatseisenbahn Erganzungs-Anleihe von 1910 Bond for £100 red and green with ornate border, with 5 coupons, Deutsche-Asiatische bank issue About Fine with some tears to the edges
China (2) ChineseImperialRailwayShanghai-Nanking Railway 1904 5% Gold Loan, London 1904, red and black, with coupons, Fine, China 1913 Province of Petchili 5 1/2% Gold Loan bond, text in English and French, vignette of Chinese shipping scene, brown and black, with all but two coupons, Good Fine with small staple hole at the top
China (3) Chinese Government Vickers Loan 1919 £100 Green NVF, ImperialChinese Government 1908 Gold Loan, bond for £20, Banque de l’Indo-Chine issue, with vignette of walled city, black & green, right and bottom margins uneven where coupons have been cut for payment, no coupons remain, Fine, Banque Industrelle de Chine 1919/1920 bond for 500 Francs yellow/orange and black GVF with coupons
China (2), ImperialChineseGovernment Tientsin-Pukow RailwayLoan, Bond for £100, London 1908, large format, black & orange, GVF with coupons, China, Lung-Tsing-U-Hai Railway £20 Bond 1913 blue and black with coupons, NVF, USAKentucky and Great Eastern Railway Company 1872 $1000 7% Gold Bond certificate VF with coupons, with tape on edges from previous mounting
China (10), Chinese Government 1913 Reorganisation Gold Loan, bond for 189.40 Roubles, Russian issue, vignette of Mercury and Chinese scenes, black & green, with coupons, Fine with some edge folds, Chinese Government 1913 Reorganisation Gold Loan, bond for £20, Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank issue, Fine or better with coupons and a small pencil annotation, Lung-Tsing-U-Hai Railway 1913 5% gold Loan, £20 bond, Unissued, prefix "B", with coupons, EF with central fold, some staple holes at the left. Imperial Chinese Government Gold Loan 1908 bond for £100 (2) no coupons remaining as is usual for this issue, both with some edge tears, About Fine. Kwangtung Public Loan Bearing Prizes For Local Industries Five Dollars 1912 (2) EF with coupons. Compagnie Generale de Chemins de Fer et de Tramways en Chine 1920 (2) EF punch cancelled with some coupons, and another unattributed small format certificate in Chinese text with ornate blue border on yellow/orange underprint EF
China, ChineseImperialRailway, Canton-Kowloon Railway, bond for £100 (4) London 1907, ornate design, black & red, each with all but the first two coupons, one with tears VG the others About Fine, three with pencil annotations
Chinese Government 5% Reorganisation Gold Loan 1913 Bond for £20 red/brown with coupons, Good Fine, Chinese Government Tientsin-Pukow 5% Railway Loan 1908 Bond for £100 Red-Orange Fine with coupons (2), Chinese Government 5% Gold Loan 1912 Bond for £100 Green with some coupons, Good Fine, Chinese Government 5% Gold Loan 1912 Bond for £500 brown with coupons, Chinese Government Gold Loan 1908 Bond for £100 mauve, Chinese Government Gold Loan 1908 Bond for £20 green, Near Fine, Chinese Imperial Government 4 1/2% Gold Loan 1898 Bonds for £100 (2) red/brown Fine with some coupons, Chinese Government Loan 1912 8% Bond for £100 mauve on green VF with coupons, Chinese Government Loan 1912 8% Bond for £50 green on blue VF with coupons, Chinese Government Loan 1912 8% Bond for £10 mauve on blue VF with coupons, Chinese Government 5 1/2% Gold Loan - Province of Petchili 1913 (2) Fine with coupons, Chinese Government Treasury Note 1925/1929 8% 10 Year Sterling Bond for £500 blue with coupons, Chinese Government Treasury Note 1925/1929 8% 10 Year Sterling Bond for £100 green with coupons, Chinese Imperial Railway 5% Gold Loan 1898 Fine with pencil annotations, with some coupons, Government of the Chinese Republic Treasury Bill 1918 8% Bond for £100 Sterling, About Fine with coupons, Republique Chinoise 5% Gold Bond 1925 brown,NVF with some coupons, Republique de Chine 5% Gold Loan 1914 Paris issue, Fine with coupons, Chinese Imperial Railway 5% Gold Loan Canton-Kowloon Railway Bond for £100 red Good Fine with coupons, Imperial Chinese Government 5% Sinking Fund Gold LOan Hukuang Railways Bond for £20 (2) green with coupons, Chinese Government 6% Shanghai-Hangchow-Ningpo Railway Completion Loan 1936 Good Fine with coupons, Chinese Imperial Railway 5% Gold Loan Shanghai-Nanking Railway Bond 1907 for £100 red Good Fine, Chinese Government Treasury 8% Bond 1921 Chemin de Fer Lung Tsing-U-Hai Brussels 500 Francs Green with coupons VF, Chinese Government Treasury Bond 8% Bond 1923 Chemin de Fer Lung Tsing-U-Hai Brussel 500 Francs brown, trimmed Fine with coupons, Government of the Chinese Republic Railway Equipment Loan of 1922 £20 Treasury Blue (2) Good Fine with coupons, Government of the Chinese Republic 8% LOan 1920 Chemin de Fer Lung Tsin-U-Hai red-orange VF with coupons, Gouvernement Imperial de Chine 1903 5% Gold Loan 500 Francs, red-orange Fine with 2 coupons, along with USA Share Certificates (11) BritishColumbia Goldfields, The DiamondMining Investment Company Limited, United States Corporation, The International Nickel Company, The Briggs National Bank and Trust Co. New York, Lisbon Valley Uranium Company, Fairchild Engine and Airplane Corporation, International Resistance Company, Bethlehem Steel Corporation, J.P.Clark Co.INC. Roger A. Halvorsen D.N.M. Ltd, Presidio Motrion Pictures Corporation, in mixed grades and Rhodesia - The Beatrice (Rhodesia) Company Limited, Fine
Russia - ImperialGovernment of Russia - Nicolas Railroad 125 Rouble, 500 Francs, £20 Sterling, 600,000 bond issue 1867 (46), Russia - Imperial Government of Russia - Nicolas Railroad 125 Rouble, 500 Francs, £20 Sterling 555,000 Bond issue 1869 (40), VG to Fine with coupons detached, The Russian South Eastern RailwayCompany Bond of £100 4 1/2% Bond Loan, Petrograd 1914 (5) Good Fine with coupons, along with Chinese Government Canton-Kowloon Railway 5% Gold Loan 1907 Fractional Scrip certificate for one-third of a Funding Bond for £11-0-0 (6) VF with folds
China, ChineseImperialGovernment 1898 Gold Loan, bonds for £50, (66) Deutsch-Asiatische Bank issue, orange, large format with coupons VG to Fine some with tears. China, Chinese Imperial Government 1898 Gold Loan, bonds for £25, (68) Deutsch-Asiatische Bank issue, red, large format with coupons VG to Fine many with tears (134 bonds in lot)
China, ChineseImperialGovernment 1898 Gold Loan, Deutsche-Asiatische Bank issue, bonds for £50 (3) orange on white, and bonds for £25 (4) red on white, around Fine with some coupons, some with annotations
China, ChineseImperialRailwayGold Loan, Imperial Railways of North China, bond for £100, London 1899, large format, brown on pale blue, with five coupons, minor edge damage, otherwise approaching VF
China (12) Chinese Government 1913 Reorganisation Gold Loan, bond for £100 Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank issue, vignettes of Mercury and Chinese scenes, black & blue, Good Fine with coupons and a small pencil annotation at the top. Banque Industrielle de Chine Action Ordinaire for 500 France Yellow and black. VF with coupons. Chinese Government Lung-Tsing-U-Hai Railway Bond for £20 1913 Blue and Black, GVF with coupons. Chinese Imperial Railway Gold Loan Bond for £100 sterling 5%, 1899, Brown and pale blue, Fine with 5 coupons with pencil annotation at the top, Chinese Government Province of Petchili Gold Loan, Bond for £20 sterling 1913 Brown and black with some coupons. VF. Chinese Government 8% Sterling Treasury Note (Vickers Loan) 1919 Dockside Vignette, Green and Black with coupons VF. Chinese Imperial Railway Bond Shanghai-Nanking Railway for £100 2 1/2% 1904, red and black with coupons, some pencil annotations, Good Fine. Chinese Government Loan £100 Sterling 1925, small format with ornate border, lilac and pale blue with green £100 adhesive stamp, Good Fine with coupons and a small pencil annotation. Imperial Chinese Government Hukuang Railways Sinking Fund Gold Loan 1911 Bond for £100, Fine with some coupons. Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan 1898 Bond for £50 Deutsche-Asiatische Bank issue 4 1/2%, with ornate orange border, Fine with some coupons. Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan 1898 Bond for £100 Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank issue 4 1/2%, with ornate brown border, Fine with some coupons, plus China an additional 100 Yuan bond Small format, Brown and Green with red oval shaped ornate reverse all Chinese text other than issue number, Good Fine
China, ChineseGovernment 1913 Reorganisation Gold Loan, 1 x bonds for £20, Banque de l'Indo-Chine a Paris and 1 x bond for 189.40 Roubles, Russian issue, both with vignettes of Mercury and Chinese scenes, black and brown with coupons Fine to Good Fine, China, Chinese ImperialRailway, Canton-Kowloon Railway, bond for £100, London 1907, for the British and Chinese Corporation Limited, ornate design, black & red, with coupons, Fine, Banque Industrielle de Chine 500 Francs (6) Yellow and black, ornate Chinese-style borders, traditional Chinese rooftops, two dragons at topcentre, Temple of Heaven at centre in underprint, black Chinese and French text, Good VF,
Russia, Nicolas RailwayCompany £20 bonds of 1867 (9), with coupons, ImperialGovernmentGold Loan, 125r., 2nd issue 1890 with coupons, Imperial Government Railroad bond, series 2 1889 with coupons. Together with 14 other world certificates. Fair & better.
China, ImperialChineseGovernmentGold Loan of 1898 bond for £50, Deutsch-Asiatische Bank issue, orange, large format, with punch cancellation holes, coupons attached. AVF. (1).
China, ImperialChineseGovernment 1908 Gold Loan, bond for £100, issued by Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, vignette of walled city, black & mauve, as usual with this issue no coupons remain, repairs to minor edge damage, otherwise AVF. (1).
Russia, ImperialGovernment of Russia, Nicolas Railroad, 1867 issue, bonds for £20 and £100, also 1869 issue, bonds for £20 and £100, ornate with double headed eagle at top, all with coupons, mostly VF. (4).
China, ImperialChineseGovernment 1908 Gold Loan, bond No.062114 for £20, issued by Banque de L'Indo-Chine, vignette of walled city, black & green, as usual with this issue no coupons remain, VF. (1).
Great Britain, Insurance Policy, Imperial Insurance Company, unissued fire policy, printed 1858, very large vignette of coat of arms, crown and allegorical females, black, VF. (1).
China, ChineseImperialGovernment 1898 Gold Loan, 2 x bonds for £100, both issued by Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, ornate, large format, brown, with coupons, some edge damage but does not affect print, AVF. (2).
Great Britain, Insurance Policy, Imperial Insurance Company, fire policy, 1819, large vignette of Britannia with children, ship and burning building in background, black, VF. (1).
Great Britain, Insurance policies, large folder containing a fine collection of 26 early fire insurance policies, West of England 1816, Royal Exchange, 1837 & 1861, Hants Sussex and Dorset, 1833, Atlas, 1852, Sun Fire, 1864, Caledonian, 1850, East of Scotland, 1853, County Fire, 1822, 1823, & 1865, Leeds and Yorkshire, 1832 & 1859, London Assurance, 1845, Queen Insurance, 1864, Norwich Union, 1836, Scottish Union, 1837, Suffolk and General Country, 1824, Union Society, 1845, Guardian, 1834 & 1854, European, 1861, Imperial, 1863, Church of England, 1863, Indemnity Mutual, 1837, Alliance Marine, 1837, most with vignettes, lot also includes Dutch policy dated 1817 and 13 pieces of ephemera relating to early insurance mainly proposal information, the policies are mostly VF. (26).
China, ImperialChineseGovernment, Hukuang Railways 1911 Gold Loan, 4 x bonds for £20, issued by Banque de l´Indo-Chine, and 2 x bonds for £20 issued by Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, vignette of train, black & green, all with coupons, F-VF. (6).
Great Britain, Insurance policies, collection of 11 fire policies, County Fire Office, 2 x 1864, West of England Fire and Life, 1865, Northern Assurance, 1849, 1859, 1862 and 1874, Anchor Assurance Company, 2 x 1853, Imperial Insurance Company, 1863 and Western Insurance Company, 1866, seven with vignettes, mostly VF. (11).
China, ChineseImperialGovernment 1898 Gold Loan, 7 x bonds for £50 and bond for £100, issued by Deutsch-Asiatische Bank, ornate design, large format, orange and brown respectively, with coupons, uncancelled, folds, otherwise F-VF. (8).
Russia, ImperialGovernment of Russia, Nicolas Railroad 1869 Loan, 10 x bonds for 125 roubles or £20, ornate border with double headed eagle at top, all with coupons, mostly VF. (10).
Russia, ImperialRussianGovernmentloan of 1916, bond for U.S. $1,000, vignette of two allegorical females with Czarist Russian coat of arms, printed by American Bank Note Co., black & green, with coupons, VF. (1).
Russia, ImperialRussianGovernment 5% Internal War Loan, collection of seven bonds, 1914 issue, bonds for 100, 200, 2 x 500 and 1,000 roubles, 1915 issue 2 x 100 roubles, all with vignette of woman with shield with Imperial double eagle and weapons, text in Russian and French, various colours, all with coupons, mostly VF. (7).
Russia, ImperialGovernment of Russia, Nicolas Railroad 1867 Loan, 10 x bonds for 125 roubles or £20, ornate border with double headed eagle at top, all with coupons, mostly F- VF. (10).
Russia, ImperialGovernment of Russia, Nicolas Railroad 1867 Loan, 8 x bonds for 125 roubles or £20, ornate border with double headed eagle at top, all with coupons, mostly VF. (8).
China, ChineseImperialGovernment 1898 Gold Loan, bond for £100, issued by Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, ornate design, large format, brown, with coupons, this piece is in much better condition than normally seen for this issue, VF. (1).
China, ImperialChineseGovernment 1911 Tientsin-Pukow Railway supplementary Loan, bond for £100 issued by Chinese Central Railways Ltd., London 1911, ornate design, large format, black & green. AVF (1).
Russia (7) ImperialGovernment of Russia, 1909 3rd Series State Loan bonds, 2 x bonds for 1,875 roubles and 5 x bonds for 187 roubles, all with coupons, F-AVF. (7).
Great Britain (16) certificates, titles include Associated Greyhound Racecourses Ltd. 1928, Associated Newspapers Ltd.1954, Beecham Group Ltd. 1954, Becker and Co Ltd. 1923, BritishElectric Traction Co. Ltd. 1959, Components Ltd. 1911, Imperial Continental Gas 1974-76 (3), London Wollen Company Ltd. 1912, Nuera Art-Silk Company Ltd. 1928, Premier Oil Ltd. 1920, Santa Feland Co. 1910, Septimus Parsonage & Co. Ltd. 1900, H & G Simonds Ltd. 1939, Tustabnovice Petroleum Ltd. 1907, mostly F to VF.(16).
China, ChineseImperialGovernmentGold Loan of 1896, bond for £100 issued by the Deutsch-Asiatische Bank, ornate design, large format, green, with coupons, a few punch cancellation holes, in better condition than that normally seen for this issue, VF. (1).
Russia (9), ImperialRussianGovernment £20 bond 1894, no coupons. Black Sea Kuban Railway bonds 1911, £20 & £100 with coupons. City of Kieff Loan 1914 bonds £20 (5) & £100 (1). Generally about VF or better, Two with signs of having been framed.
China, ChineseImperialGovernmentGold Loan of 1898, Deutsch-Asiatische issue, 5 x bonds for £25, 5 x bonds for £50, and 5 x bonds for £100, red, orange and brown respectively, with coupons, hole cancelled, these were large format working documents and as such show signs of usage, mostly F-AVF. (15).
China, ChineseImperialGovernmentGold Loan of 1898, Deutsch-Asiatische issue, 5 x bonds for £25, 5 x bonds for £50, and 5 x bonds for £100, red, orange and brown respectively, with coupons, hole cancelled, these were large format working documents and as such show signs of usage, mostly F-AVF. (15).
Russia, ImperialRussianGovernment 1922 ‘Rothschild‘ Loan, bond for £148 or 960 roubles, signed by Nathan Meyer Rothschild as contractor in top right margin, double headed eagle at top, black on poor quality paper, weakness at folds, with talon, F. (1).
Russia, ImperialRussianGovernment 1922 ‘Rothschild‘ Loan, bond for £111 or 720 roubles, signed by Nathan Meyer Rothschild as contractor in top right margin, double headed eagle at top, black on poor quality paper, repair to weakness at folds, with talon, F. (1).
China, ChineseImperialGovernmentGold Loan of 1896, Deutsch-Asiatische issue, 5 x bonds for £25, and 5 x bonds for £50, blue and brown respectively, with coupons, hole cancelled, these were large format working documents and as such show signs of usage, mostly F-AVF. (10).
China, ChineseImperialGovernmentGold Loan of 1896, Deutsch-Asiatische issue, 5 x bonds for £25, and 5 x bonds for £50, blue and brown respectively, with coupons, hole cancelled, these were large format working documents and as such show signs of usage, mostly F-AVF. (10).
China, 3 bonds, ChineseImperialGovernmentGold Loan of 1898, bond for £100, German issue, uncancelled, with coupons, Vickers Loan of 1919, bond for £100, with coupons, and Gold Loan of 1908, bond for £100, vignette of walled city, F-AVF. (3).
China, ImperialChineseGovernment Hukuang Railways 1911 Gold Loan, bonds for £20 and £100, both Hongkong and Shanghai Bank issue, vignette of train, black & green and black & red respectively, both with coupons, both VF. (2).
China, ChineseImperialGovernment 1898 Goldloan bonds for £50 (blue) and £25 (brown) Deutsch-Asiatische Bank issue, no coupons remain, both with cancellation holes. AVF.
China, ImperialChineseGovernment 1908 Gold Loan bond for £20, French issue, with vignette of walled city, green, right and bottom margins uneven from where coupons cut off for payment, no coupons remain. AVF (1).
China, ImperialChineseGovernment Hukuang Railways 1911 Gold Loan, 2 x bonds for £20, German issue and French issue, vignette of train, black & green, also Chinese Imperial Government 1898 Gold Loan, bond for £50, uncancelled German issue, orange, all with coupons, all VF. (3).
China, ChineseImperialRailwayGold Loan, Imperial Railways of North China, bond for £100, London 1899, large format, brown on pale blue, with coupons, better condition than that usually seen for this issue, VF. (1).
China, ImperialChineseGovernment 1908 Gold Loan, 3 bonds for £20, all Banque de L'Indo-Chinese issue, all with vignette of walled city, green and green, right and bottom margins uneven where coupons cut for payment, no coupons remain, mostly VF. (3).
China, ImperialChineseGovernment 1908 Gold Loan, bond for £20, French issue and bond for £100, British issue, both with vignette of walled city, green and mauve respectively, right and bottom margins uneven where coupons cut for payment, no coupons remain, both AVF. (2).
China, ChineseImperialGovernment 1898 Gold Loan, 2 x bonds for £25, 1 x bond for £50 and 1 x bond for £100, all Deutsch-Asiatische Bank issue, various colours, all with coupons, all uncancelled, these were large format working documents and as such show signs of usage, mostly F-VF. (4).
China, ImperialChineseGovernment Tientsin-Pukow RailwayLoan, 2 x bonds for £100, London 1908, ornate design, black & orange, both with fractional scrip certificates and coupon receipts, also Vickers Loan of 1919, bond for £100, all with coupons, all VF. (3).
China, ImperialChineseGovernment Hukuang Railways 1911 Gold Loan, 2 x bonds for £20, French issue, 2 x bonds for £20, German issue, 1 x bond for £100, French issue, 2 x bonds for £100, German issue, 1 x bond for £100 British issue, and 1 x bond for £100, American Banks issue, all with vignette of train, black & green and black & red respectively, all with coupons, mostly F-AVF. (9).
China, ChineseImperialGovernmentGold Loan of 1898, unissued bond for £50, also known as reserve stock of which only 45 are reported to exist, Deutsch-Asiatische Bank issue, ornate border, large format, orange, with full coupons, AEF. (1).
China, ChineseImperialGovernmentGold Loan of 1898, unissued bond for £25, also known as reserve stock of which only 45 are reported to exist, Deutsch-Asiatische Bank issue, ornate border, large format, red, with full coupons, AEF. (1).
China, ChineseImperialGovernment 1898 Gold Loan, bonds for £50 and £100, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank issue, orange and brown respectively, large format, both with coupons, the £50 bond is a scarce issue, minor edge damage to both, does not effect print, AVF. (2).
China, ChineseImperialRailwayGold Loan, Imperial Railways of North China, 2 x bonds for £100, both London 1899, large format, brown on pale blue, with coupons, minor edge damage, otherwise, AVF. (2).
Russia, 8 bonds, ImperialRussian 3% 1859 Loan, 3 x bonds for £100, text in English on face and Russian on reverse, with coupons, Russian State Loan of 1902, bond for 1,000 marks, Chemins de Fer Secondaires, 1913 Loan, bond for 187.50 roubles, Nord-Donetz Railway, 1914 Loan, provisional bond for 500 francs, Embranchements de Chemins de Fer, 1913 Loan, bond for 187.50 roubles, no coupons, and City of Riga 1913 Loan, bond for £20, coat of arms at top, very poor condition, others F-VF. (8).
China, ImperialChineseGovernment 1908 Gold Loan, 5 x bonds for £20, all Banque de l?Indo-Chine issue, all with vignette of walled city, black & green, right and bottom margins uneven where coupons cut for payment, no coupons remain, F-AVF. (5).
Russia, ImperialRussian Cotton & Jute Factory Ltd., 7 x bearer certificates, 1889-1902, all different, either denomination or capital, very ornate, text in English and French, various colours, all with UK revenue stamps, all with coupons, all VF. (7).
China, ImperialChineseGovernment 1908 Gold Loan, bond for £20, French issue, and bond for £100, British issue, both with vignette of walled city, green and mauve respectively, right and bottom margins uneven where coupons cut for payment, no coupons remain, both AVF. (2).
China, ChineseImperialRailwayGold Loan, Shanghai-Nanking Railway, 3 x bonds for £100 dated London 1904, and bond for £100 dated London 1907, large format, black & red, all with coupons, lot also includes 4 x net profit sub-certificates, F-AVF. (8).
China, ChineseImperialGovernment 1898 Gold Loan, bond for £25, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank issue, red, large format, with coupons, scarce issue, this bond is in poor condition with large tear and repairs, Poor. (1).
China, ChineseImperialGovernmentGold Loan of 1898, Deutsch-Asiatische issue, 10 x bonds for £50, and 10 x bonds for £100, orange and brown respectively, with coupons, hole cancelled, these were large format working documents and as such show signs of usage, mostly VF. (20).
China, ImperialChineseGovernment Hukuang Railways 1911 Gold Loan, bonds for £20 and £100, German issue, also bonds for £20 and £100, French issue, vignette of train, black & green and black & red respectively, all with coupons, mostly VF. (4).
China, ChineseImperialRailwayGold Loan, Shanghai-Nanking Railway, 2 x bonds for £100, dated 1904, and bond for £100, dated 1907, large format, black & pink, all with coupons, also 5 x net profit sub-certificates, mostly VF. (8).
China, ChineseImperialGovernmentGold Loan of 1898, Deutsch-Asiatische issue, 5 x bonds for £50, and 5 x bonds for £100, orange and brown respectively, with coupons, hole cancelled, these were large format working documents and as such show signs of usage, mostly VF. (10).
China, ChineseImperialGovernmentGold Loan of 1898, Deutsch-Asiatische issue, 5 x bonds for £50, and 5 x bonds for £100, orange and brown respectively, with coupons, hole cancelled, these were large format working documents and as such show signs of usage, F-VF. (10).
China, 4 bonds, ChineseImperialRailwayGold Loan, (Imperial Railways of North China), bond for £100, London 1899, Tientsin-Pukow Railway Loan, bond for £100, London 1908, and Emprunt Chinois 5% Or 1903, 2 x bonds for 500 francs, dated 1905 and 1907, all with coupons, mostly VF. (4).
Great Britain, 26 certificates dated 1950-1972 titles include F.W. Woolworth & Co. Ltd. 1950, National Provincial Bank Ltd. 1957, British Oil & Cake Mills Ltd. 1955, Unilever Ltd. 1954, Daily Mail and General Trust Ltd. 1954, Associated Newspapers Ltd. 1952, De La Rue Co. Ltd. 1959, Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. 1958, Royal Exchange Assurance 1960, minor duplication, mostly VF. (26).
Russia, Imperial Land Mortgage Bank for the Nobility, bonds for 100 roubles, 150 roubles and 1,000 roubles, all 1898, ornate border, various colours, with coupons, VF. (3).
China, ImperialChineseGovernment 1908 Gold Loan, 6 x bonds for £20, all Banque de l?Indo-Chine issue, all with vignette of walled city, black & green, right and bottom margins uneven where coupons cut for payment, no coupons remain, mostly AVF. (6).
China, ImperialChineseGovernment Hukuang Railways 1911 Gold Loan, 3 x bonds for £100, all issued by the Deutsch-Asiatische Bank, vignette of speeding train, red & black, four coupons remain, mostly VF. (3).
China, ImperialChineseGovernment Hukuang Railways 1911 Gold Loan, 5 x bonds for £100, all issued by the Deutsch-Asiatische Bank, vignette of speeding train, red & black, one without coupons, mostly VF. (5).
China, ChineseImperialGovernment 1898 Gold Loan, 3 x cancelled bonds for £50, plus 1 x uncancelled bond for £50, and 1 x uncancelled bond for £100, all German issue, ornate design, large format, one without coupons, mostly AF-AVF. (5).
China, ImperialChineseGovernment 1908 Gold Loan, 3 x bonds for £100, all Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank issue, all with vignette of walled city, black & mauve, right and bottom margins uneven where coupons cut for payment, no coupons remain, mostly AVF. (3).
Russia, 9 bonds, City of Odessa 1902 Loan, bond for 100 roubles, City of Saratoff 1909 Loan, bond for 2,500 francs, City of Kieff 1914 Loan, bond for £20, Consolidated Railways 1880 Loan, bond for 125 roubles, State Loan of 1902, bond for 500 marks, Imperial Loan of 1859, bond for £100, and State Loan of 1909, 3 x bonds for 500 francs, except for 1859 bond all with coupons, F-VF. (9).
Russia, ImperialRussian Cotton & Jute Factory Ltd., 7 x bearer certificates, 1889-1902, all different, either denomination or capital, very ornate, text in English and French, various colours, all with UK revenue stamps, all with coupons, all VF. (7).
Japan, ImperialGovernment of Japan 5% Loan, bond for 100 yen, 1909, very ornate design with vignette of Takeuchi Sukune at right, black & blue, one coupon remains, AVF. (1).
Great Britain, 10 Insurance policies, Phoenix 1844, Guardian Fire 1856, Sun 1869, Universal Marine 1871, Imperial 1872, Royal Exchange 1874, Norwich Union 1875, Law 1886, London 1888, and Northern 1889, some with vignettes, all VF. (10).
Ethiopia, Compagnie Imperiale des Chemins de Fer Ethiopiens, share certificate, Paris 1899, superb vignette of King and entourage waiting for a steam train, large format, yellow & brown, with coupons, VF. (1).
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