China Liberty Bond 1937 5 Yuan, No.03444319 VG punch hole cancelled, with some edge tears, no coupons, Republic of China Bond 1950 Portrait of Sun Yat Sen with Republic of China flags, Fine with an edge tear and a small lower central hole, and China Cheque, Bank of Zhangjiakou, unwritten with perforated counterfoil, red border on pale blue, No. 1587, Good Fine with some small spots
USA (5) The Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company (3) 100 Shares 1930 Green (2), 100 Shares 1955 Blue, National Tea Company 1927 Yellow, all punch-hole cancelled, NVF to VF, all but one with staple or pinholes
USA (8) USA National Union Bank, Philadelphia 1866 Share Certificate for 6 shares of $50 each, VF with some folds, USA Railway shares and scrip certificates (7) Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Company Share Certificate 10 shares of $100 each 1890 Vignette of Cattle at watering hole at top, VF with two cancellation punch holes. Utica, Clinton and Binghamton Rail Road Co. 1927, Share Certificate for 36 shares, cancelled, small tears and pinholes otherwise around VF. The Cincinnati, Washington and BaltimoreRailroad Company 1883 Third Mortgage Bond Scrip Certificate for $105, small central hole, otherwise VF. Missouri Kansas Texas Railroad Company 1929 Share Certificate for 5 shares, orange, vignette of steam train at the top, VF with cancellation punch holes. Missouri Kansas Texas Railroad Company 1928 Share Certificate, preferred stock, Series A, 7 per cent, for 7 shares, brown, vignette of steam train at the top, cancelled with punch holes, Near VF with some foxing and a small pencil annotation at the top right corner. Dubuque and Pacific Railroad Company, State of Iowa 185- (unissued) share certificate for $100 EF. Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern Railway Company share certificate for 10 Shares, shares $100 each, green with round vignette of steam train at the right, signed but unissued 18-- (1899) GVF
USA, South and Central America (3) Cuba, Empresa del Ferro-Carril de Guantanamo, certificate for one share, 1882, vignettes of train at top, allegorical female at bottom, black, stamped cancelled, some tears in the centre from writing on the reverse, otherwise Good Fine. BrazilRailwayCompany 500 Francs or £19/17/5 60 Year Gold Bond 4 1/2%, black and green with ornate border, with vignette of train crossing a bridge. VF USA, Insurance Policy, The Social Insurance Company, for the cover of a schooner on a voyage from Manchester to Wilmington, North Carolina, Salem 1810, (date inked on the reverse, some folds, Good Fine, an interesting early document
Bonds and Shares a small collection (8) comprising China (3) ChineseGovernment 5% Hukuang Railways Sinking Fund Gold Loan bond 1911 for £20,Deutsche-Asiatische issue, large format with steam train at top, printed by Waterlow's with 35 coupons, About VF, China, Lung-Tsing-U-Hai Railway 5% Gold Loan 1913, bond for £20, ornate border, blue & green, with all coupons, GVF, China, 6% Shanghai Hangchow Ningpo Completion Loan 1936, bond for £50, vignette of Sun Yat Sen, green, with 47 coupons, VF with light central fold, Ethiopia Chemins de Fer Ethiopians, 500 franc share, 1899, with large vignette of king on horseback waiting for a passing train VF with a full set of 48 coupons, German States - Saxony 6% Sterling Loan of 1927, bond for £20 (2000 issued), orange, VF with 15 coupons, USA (3) Colorado - The Acacia Gold MiningCompany 1899, certificate for 500 Shares, cancelled, NVF, Philadelphia - Loan of the City of Philadelphia 1866 6% Loan 1866 Fine with cancellation holes, The Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Company 1887 certificate for 100 shares, cancelled, Good Fine
China (10), Chinese Government 1913 Reorganisation Gold Loan, bond for 189.40 Roubles, Russian issue, vignette of Mercury and Chinese scenes, black & green, with coupons, Fine with some edge folds, Chinese Government 1913 Reorganisation Gold Loan, bond for £20, Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank issue, Fine or better with coupons and a small pencil annotation, Lung-Tsing-U-Hai Railway 1913 5% gold Loan, £20 bond, Unissued, prefix "B", with coupons, EF with central fold, some staple holes at the left. Imperial Chinese Government Gold Loan 1908 bond for £100 (2) no coupons remaining as is usual for this issue, both with some edge tears, About Fine. Kwangtung Public Loan Bearing Prizes For Local Industries Five Dollars 1912 (2) EF with coupons. Compagnie Generale de Chemins de Fer et de Tramways en Chine 1920 (2) EF punch cancelled with some coupons, and another unattributed small format certificate in Chinese text with ornate blue border on yellow/orange underprint EF
Great Britain, Sunderland, Sir James Laing and Sons Limited Preference Share Certificate for 100 shares at £10 (shares number 101 to 200) issued 21st January 1899, Number 2, red and orange, to Sir James Laing of Thorncliffe (son of the founder Phillip Laing 1770-1854), and Ordinary Share Certificate for 100 shares at £10 (numbered 1308-1407) 21st January 1899, green and yellow, to Mr. Arthur Laing, this cross cancelled by hand 9th September 1904. Both certificates About UNC and unique items. James Laing took over the business from his father Phillip Laing in 1843 aged just 20 . The business prospered and subsequently became the first shipyard on the Wear to build iron ships, the first the 'Amity' being launched in 1853. The most famous ship, built in Deptford, was the Torrens in 1875. The novelist Joseph Conrad sailed on this ship as the second mate between 1891 and 1893. James Laing went on the be knighted in 1897, the following year the company was renamed Sir James Laing & Sons Ltd. Comes with copies of images the shipyard and of Phillip Laing, the founder, and of Sir James Laing. A most interesting group of great interest to shipping enthusiasts.
USAMining Share Certificates, Cripple Creek Colorado (2) The Doctor Jack Pot Mining Company certificate for 2000 shares, issued September 11th 1905, The Anaconda Mining Company certificate for 1000 shares, issued November 12th 1900 both punch cancelled, both around VF with pencil annotations
Canada, Government of Quebec bond for £20/500 francs, Quebec 1880, Royal Coat of Arms top centre, green & black, text in English & French. Punch cancelled. GVF.
South Africa, The Rietkuil Gold Mines Ltd. certificate for five shares1895, Printers Proof by Blades East & Blades, red with vignette of child working in mine, with coupons, Punch cancelled. EF.
Roumania, Kingdom of Roumania Monopolies Institute Stabilisation and Development Loan 1929, £100 bonds (10), view of Bran Castle, blue & black, not cancelled, with coupons. GVF. (10)
U.S.A., Railroad certificates (5), New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co. Lake Shore Collateral 1898, Columbus & Indianapolis Railroad Co. 1864, McKeesport and Belle Vernon Railroad Co. 1888, South CarolinaRailway Co. 1881, uncancelled, Rutland Street Railway Co. of Rutland, Vermont, 1885. Most with cancellation holes, GVF.
U.S.A. railway certificates (7), Chicago and Iowa rail Co. unissued 187-, Columbus & Indiana Central railway Co. 1867, Kittanning & Leechburg Railways Co. 1919, Middleport & Northeastern Railway Co. 1927, North and West Branch Railway Company 1897, Oil Creek & Allegheny River Co. 1875, Steubenville Union Terminal Co. 1927, Most certificates cut or ink cancelled. GVF. (7).
Chile, Chilian Northern Railway Co. Ltd., debentures, 10 x £20, 14 x £100, and 2 x £500, dated 1912-14, all with vignette of steam locomotive, red, green and blue respectively, no coupons remain, all hole cancelled, F-VF. (26).
Argentina, Central Argentine Railway Ltd., 3 types of bearer stock, all 1912, vignette of train crossing bridge, various colours, all with coupons, all hole cancelled, AVF. (3).
Brazil, Brazil Railway Co., convertible debentures for £100 (3) brown and £200 (3) green, all 1912, all with vignette of train flanked by cattle, various colours, all with coupons, all hole cancelled, VF. (6).
Brazil, Brazil Railway Co., convertible debentures for £100, £200 and £50, all 1912, all with vignette of train flanked by cattle, various colours, all with coupons, all hole cancelled, VF. (3).
Burma, Burma Corporation Ltd share certificate 1937 (6) brown & black, includes vignettes of elephant, peacock, dragon & tunnel. India, Singtom Tea Company (1946) Ltd. Share certificate 1946 (13) with India revenue stamps. VF some with cancelled stamps.
U.S.A., Playboy Enterprises Inc., specimen certificate for 100 shares common stock, undated, attractive vignette of reclining lady at top, Playboy logo at bottom, black & olive, stamped specimen, hole cancelled through signatures, AEF. (1).
U.S.A., Bank of America, certificate of capital stock, New York 1878, vignette of eagle with small ship and train in background, black, cancelled, some glue residue at left, otherwise AVF. (1).
Great Britain, London and North Western Railway, share certificate, arched heading, black, stamped cancelled, also large seal has been cut away from bottom left of certificate otherwise VF. (1).
U.S.A., Gulf, Mobile and OhioRailroad Co., certificate for common stock, 5 x certificates for preferred stock and 16 x certificates for 100 shares common stock, 1940-49, all with vignette of speeding train flanked by allegorical females, brown, orange and blue respectively, perforated cancelled, all VF. (22).
Great Britain, Cheque Bank Ltd., guarantee obligation for £100, 1889, ornate design, large format, black & green, UK revenue stamp, with coupons, stamped cancelled, VF. (1).
Great Britain, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 3 x certificates for 5% stock, ornate border, black & orange, stamped cancelled, all VF. (3).
China, ChineseImperialGovernment 1898 Gold Loan, 7 x bonds for £50 and bond for £100, issued by Deutsch-Asiatische Bank, ornate design, large format, orange and brown respectively, with coupons, uncancelled, folds, otherwise F-VF. (8).
Great Britain (3), Great Northern RailwayCompany £25 share 1846 GVF, The Forcett Railway Company £20 share 1876, black on pink. Small tear at top left corner & creased, The Liverpool Overhead Railway Company share cert.1897, red, with cancelled stamp and ring binder holes.(3).
Canada, Province of Nova Scotia, bonds for £100, £500 and £1,000, large format with coat of arms at top, various colours, all with coupons, stamped cancelled, VF. (3).
States of the Island of Jersey, bond for £5 bearing interest of one Half Penny per week, 1840, banknote format, coat of arms at top, ink cancelled through signatures. VF. (1).
U.S.A., Loan of the City of Philadelphia, $1,000 bond, 1857, very attractive with ten separate vignettes including train and dockside scene, black, hole cancelled through signatures, VF. (1).
Great Britain, 9 certificates, dated 1864-79, all different, titles include, MerseyLoan & Discount Co. Ltd., 1873, Union Marine Insurance Co. Ltd., 1879, Common Fund Co. Ltd., 1869, Liverpool Marine Insurance Co. Ltd., 1869, Positive Government Security Life Assurance Co. Ltd., 1873, cancelled, Middle Class Dwellings Co. Ltd., unissued, lot also includes Ossett Gas Co., transfer certificate, 1879, and PhoenixFire Insurance Co., receipt for payment on shares, 1836, mostly F-VF. (11).
Greece, Kingdom of Greece 1898 Gold Loan, 3 x bonds for £100, ornate design incorporates four classical figures, Greek arms at top, blue, with coupons, hole cancelled, all VF. (3).
Costa Rica, Costa Rica Railway Co. Ltd., £100 first mortgage debenture, 1887, large vignette of Bernardo Soto, stamped cancelled on reverse, central fold, otherwise VF. (1).
China, United Theatres, incorporated in the U.S.A., certificate for shares of five taels each, 1932, ornate border, text in English with Chinese heading at top, black & green, stamped cancelled, VF. (1).
Great Britain, Government £3:10s per cent War Loan, bearer bond for £100, London 1932, printed signature of N.V. Warren Fisher, also printed seal of ‘The Lords Commissioners of his Majesty?s Treasury?, ornate border, brown, with coupons, stamped cancelled, VF. (1).
U.S.A., Princeton and Kingston Branch Turnpike Company Reorganised, (NJ), company name hand written, certificate No.8 for capital stock made out to the Pennsylvaniarailroad 1895, vignette of train crossing bridge, black, embossed seal, hole and stamped cancelled, glued to counterfoil, AVF. (1).
Cuba, Cuba Railroad Co., certificate for ten shares capital stock, 1913, vignette of oncoming train, black & brown, hole and perforated cancelled, hand signed by William Cornelius Van Horne, 1843-1915, a famous American and Canadian railroad executive, was knighted in 1894, VF. (1).
China, ChineseImperialGovernmentGold Loan of 1898, Deutsch-Asiatische issue, 5 x bonds for £25, 5 x bonds for £50, and 5 x bonds for £100, red, orange and brown respectively, with coupons, hole cancelled, these were large format working documents and as such show signs of usage, mostly F-AVF. (15).
China, ChineseImperialGovernmentGold Loan of 1898, Deutsch-Asiatische issue, 5 x bonds for £25, 5 x bonds for £50, and 5 x bonds for £100, red, orange and brown respectively, with coupons, hole cancelled, these were large format working documents and as such show signs of usage, mostly F-AVF. (15).
China, ChineseImperialGovernmentGold Loan of 1896, Deutsch-Asiatische issue, 5 x bonds for £25, and 5 x bonds for £50, blue and brown respectively, with coupons, hole cancelled, these were large format working documents and as such show signs of usage, mostly F-AVF. (10).
China, ChineseImperialGovernmentGold Loan of 1896, Deutsch-Asiatische issue, 5 x bonds for £25, and 5 x bonds for £50, blue and brown respectively, with coupons, hole cancelled, these were large format working documents and as such show signs of usage, mostly F-AVF. (10).
China, American-Oriental Bank of Szechuen, certificate No.24 for five shares, 1929, ornate border incorporates vignette of ship and pagoda at top, text in Chinese, embossed seal in English, black & blue on pale orange, cancelled, VF. (1).
China, 6 bonds, Hukuang Railway 1911 Gold Loan, bond for £20, French issue, Chinese Gold Loan of 1898, bond for £50, uncancelled German issue, Railway Equipment Loan of 1922, bond for £20, and Lung-Tsing-U Hai Railway, 3 types, 1921, 1923 and 1925 issues, all with coupons, F-VF. (6).
South Africa, De beers Consolidated Mines Ltd., bearer warrant for one preference share, 1927, also Durban Roodeport Deep Ltd., bearer warrants for one and five shares, both 1938, all with text in English and French, all with coupons, all cancelled, F-AVF. (3).
Chile, Chilian Northern Railway Co. Ltd., bonds for £20, £100 and £500, dated 1912-13, all with large vignette of steam locomotive, red, green and blue respectively, no coupons remain, hole cancelled through signatures, AVF. (3).
U.S.A., Missouri, Kansas and TexasRailway Co., certificates for 10 shares, 1890, and 100 shares, 1879, capital stock, both with vignette of cattle, black & mauve and black & green respectively, hole and stamped cancelled, VF. (2).
China, 3 bonds, ChineseImperialGovernmentGold Loan of 1898, bond for £100, German issue, uncancelled, with coupons, Vickers Loan of 1919, bond for £100, with coupons, and Gold Loan of 1908, bond for £100, vignette of walled city, F-AVF. (3).
U.S.A. City and County of San Francisco, Board of Public Works, (CA), 5 x uncancelled $1,000 Montgomery Avenue Gold bonds, all 1873, vignettes of city view, figures representing agriculture and commerce, City seal at top, black on yellow, with coupons, central fold, otherwise, all VF. (5).
U.S.A., Hartford Bridge Co., (CT), certificate No.541 for one share, 1809, scrollwork at left and top, small format, black, embossed seal clearly shows bridge, several endorsements on reverse, neatly marked cancelled in ink, scarce early item, VF. (1).
Great Britain, A Sears Holdings collection of 37 certificates, Sears Holdings was the vehicle of Sir Charles Clore (1904-79), parent company of Selfridges and British Shoe Corporation. Clore was a major benefactor of the arts, (Clore Gallery at Tate Britain, Turner collection) and of Jewish charities. Certificates in lot are, J Sears & Co. (True Form Boot Co.), Ltd., 6 x certificates, four types, 1929-53, Sears Holdings Ltd., 10 x certificates, five types, 1955-58, all except one with ink facsimile signature of Charles Clore, 12 x certificates, 3 types, 1959-62, all with printed facsimile signature of Charles Clore, 8 x certificates, three types, 1971-74, and British Shoe Corporation Ltd., loan stock certificate 1974, various colours, some cancelled, mostly VF. (37).
Great Britain, Bala & Festiniog Railway Co., (became part of the Great Western), certificate for ordinary stock, 1883, red ink cancellation across face of certificate, also certificate for debenture stock, 1907 over 18--, stamped cancelled, glue marks on reverse, black and red respectively, both AVF. (2).
Great Britain, Taff Vale Railway Co., (became part of the Great Western), certificate for ordinary stock, 1889, red ink cancellation across face of certificate, also certificate for preference stock, 1889, cancelled by red ink and perforations, both with scrollwork at left incorporating goat and Prince of Wales feathers, black and blue respectively, both AVF. (2).
U.S.A., Princeton and Kingston Branch Turnpike Company, Reorganized, company name is hand written, certificate No.7 for capital stock, 1895, vignette of train crossing bridge, black, embossed seal, hole cancelled through signatures, glued to counterfoil, VF. (1).
Mexico, Mexico Tramways Co., 8 x certificates for ten shares, 2 dated 1906, 1 dated 1908, 3 dated 1909, and 2 dated 1936, also 2 x certificates for hundred shares, both 1953, all with same vignette of electric tram in street scene, orange and brown respectively, cancelled, mostly VF. (10).
Great Britain, Provident Institution for Life Insurance & Annuities 4 x share certificates 1807 &1810, large format, two ink cancelled through signatures, on heavy paper, Company acquired in 1906 by the?Rothschilds' Alliance Assurance Company, now Royal Sun Alliance, mostly VF.(4).
U.S.A. City and County of San Francisco, Board of Public Works, (CA), uncancelled $1,000 Montgomery Avenue Gold bond, 1873, vignettes of city view, figures representing agriculture and commerce, City seal at top, black on yellow, with coupons, central fold, otherwise, VF. (1).
Canada, NewfoundlandRailway Co., uncancelled certificate for ten shares capital stock, 1886, attractive vignette of train approaching busy station, black & brown, VF. (1).
China, ImperialChineseGovernment Hukuang Railways 1911 Gold Loan, 2 x bonds for £20, German issue and French issue, vignette of train, black & green, also Chinese Imperial Government 1898 Gold Loan, bond for £50, uncancelled German issue, orange, all with coupons, all VF. (3).
U.S.A., 25 Philadelphia streetcar certificates, Continental Passenger Railway Co., of Philadelphia, 5 x certificates, 1890-91, all signed by William L Elkins, Philadelphia Rapid Traction Co., 5 x certificates, green 1905, Philadelphia Traction Co., 5 x certificates, 1898, Second & Third Street Passenger Railway Co., of Philadelphia, 5 x certificates, 1870-72, all issued and cancelled, plus Navy Yard, Broad St. and Fairmount Railway Co., 5 x unissued certificates. All certificates in lot with vignettes, mostly VF. (25). *William L Elkins. 1832-1903, oil promoter. Refined the first gasoline. With Widener, see previous lot, built a greater streetcar mileage than anyone else - in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Baltimore and Chicago.
Great Britain, Grainger & Smith Ltd., 8 x certificates, three types, all 1898, all with vignette of Dudley Castle and ornate border incorporating coats of arms, various colours, all cancelled with red endorsement, otherwise all VF. (8).
China, ChineseImperialGovernment 1898 Gold Loan, 2 x bonds for £25, 1 x bond for £50 and 1 x bond for £100, all Deutsch-Asiatische Bank issue, various colours, all with coupons, all uncancelled, these were large format working documents and as such show signs of usage, mostly F-VF. (4).
Cuba, Empresa del Ferro-Carril de Guantanamo, certificate for one share, 1882, vignettes of train at top, allegorical female at bottom, black, stamped cancelled, AVF. (1).
Great Britain, Wallsend Slipway & Engineering Co. Ltd., 12 x ordinary shares, dated 1918-1935, and 11 x new preference shares, dated 1892-1908, black and red respectively, seal depicts ship, all cancelled, mostly VF. (23)
U.S.A. Wabash Railroad Co., 5 x certificates for ten shares, 1910, vignettes of horses heads and eagle, black & blue, UK revenue stamp, uncancelled, VF. (5).
U.S.A. Canton, Aberdeen & Nashville Rail Road Co., 3 x $1,000 gold bonds, 1884, vignette of train at top, cotton ball at bottom, signed on reverse by Stuyvesant Fish as trustee, black, hole cancelled, with coupons, all VF or better. (3).
Great Britain, Sunderland Towage Co. Ltd., archive of the companies share certificates, 135 x certificates for fully paid shares, including certificate No.1, all cancelled, plus book containing 7 x partially issued certificates and 46 x unissued certificates, also 50 x fully paid preference shares, all cancelled, plus book containing 2 x certificates with signatures removed and 45 x unissued certificates, all issued certificates dated 1900-1918, blue and red respectively, issued mostly VF, unissued mostly EF. (285).The Sunderland Towage Company was founded on 1st August 1900 to own and manage the tugs formerly owned by a Sunderland Collier Company Messrs Taylor and Sanderson. The initial capital was £2,400 in £1 shares, this was later increased to £10,000, made up of 5,000 ordinary shares and 5,000 preference shares. By March 1918 William France, Fenwick & Co. Ltd, a much larger tug owning company of Newcastle, had acquired a large proportion of the issued shares. It is believed that the remaining shareholders transferred their holdings into a new company, France, Fenwick Tyne and Wear Ltd.
Russia, City of Kieff, 23rd Loan dated 1914, bond for £100, ornate design with coat of arms at top, black & red on pink, with coupons, the 23rd issue bonds are scarce, this example has a Russian printed revenue stamp and a UK imprinted stamp, which appears to have been cancelled by the UK stamping office, neat repair to small split at central fold, otherwise VF. (1).
Great Britain, London & BrightonRailway Co., certificate No.20001 for one share, 1837, ornate heading, black, embossed seal, stamped cancelled, scarce, pinholes at top left, paper slightly aged, otherwise AVF.
U.S.A., 11 railroad bonds, Kentucky and Great Eastern Railway Co., bond for $1,000, 1872, vignette of ‘Boone rescued by Kenton?, unissued, Tennessee North Eastern Railroad Co., 2 x bonds for $1,000, 1909, uncancelled, no vignette, and Lehigh Valley Railroad Co., 7 x registered bonds for $1,000, 1938-48, three colour types, and registered bond for $5,000, 1934, vignette of train approaching workmen, cancelled, mostly VF. (11).
U.S.A., New Orleans and North Eastern Railroad Co., certificate No.4 for capital stock, 1882, vignette of train at left, signed by John Scott, black, hole and ink cancelled, AF. (1).
China, ChineseImperialGovernmentGold Loan of 1898, Deutsch-Asiatische issue, 10 x bonds for £50, and 10 x bonds for £100, orange and brown respectively, with coupons, hole cancelled, these were large format working documents and as such show signs of usage, mostly VF. (20).
China, ChineseImperialGovernmentGold Loan of 1898, Deutsch-Asiatische issue, 5 x bonds for £50, and 5 x bonds for £100, orange and brown respectively, with coupons, hole cancelled, these were large format working documents and as such show signs of usage, mostly VF. (10).
China, ChineseImperialGovernmentGold Loan of 1898, Deutsch-Asiatische issue, 5 x bonds for £50, and 5 x bonds for £100, orange and brown respectively, with coupons, hole cancelled, these were large format working documents and as such show signs of usage, F-VF. (10).
Brazil, Brazil Ra+D864ilway Co., 5% convertible debentures, bonds for £100, £200, and £500, all 1912, all with vignette of train flanked by cattle, various colours, all with coupons, hole cancelled through signatures, VF. (3).
Great Britain, SalopFire Office Ltd., certificate No.4 for one share, dated 1909, certificate made out to Nathaniel Charles Rothschild and signed by him as a director, manuscript certificate heading, black, red seal, perforated cancelled, pin holes at top left, otherwise VF. (1).
South Africa, De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd., bearer certificate for onr preference share, London 1930, signed by Lord Bessborough, ornate design incorporating coat of arms at top, text in English and French, black & green, no coupons remain, stamped cancelled, VF. (1).
South Africa, De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd., bearer certificate for five preference shares, London 1902, signed by Francis Oats, ornate design incorporating coat of arms at top, text in English and French, black & green, with coupons, stamped cancelled, AVF. (1).
U.S.A., Town of Sodus, County of Wayne, bond for $500, dated 1870, three vignettes including train and farmer, cancelled, bottom edge slightly uneven where coupons cut for payment, no coupons remain, AVF. (1).
U.S.A., Government of Texas, Texian Loan, 8% certificate for Loan of $320 or 640 acres of land, Criswell Cr.36A4, dated New Orleans 1836, ornate design, black, cut cancelled creating hole at centre, otherwise AVF. (1).
China, ChineseImperialGovernment 1898 Gold Loan, 3 x cancelled bonds for £50, plus 1 x uncancelled bond for £50, and 1 x uncancelled bond for £100, all German issue, ornate design, large format, one without coupons, mostly AF-AVF. (5).
Great Britain, 5 cancelled railway certificates, Great Western Railway Co., 1881, Grand Junction Railway, date unclear, London and North Western Railway, date unclear, Waterford, Dungarvan and Lismore Railway Co., 1876, and Liverpool Overhead Railway Co., 1897, all cancelled by various methods, mostly F, some better. (5).
Great Britain, 10 pieces of railway ephemera including share certificates, West SomersetRailway Co., dividend warrant, 1895, Carlisle and Silloth Bay Railway and Dock Co., unissued warrant, 1873, Cheltenham, Oxford and Brighton Junction Railway, unissued receipt for payment on shares, 184-, Mid Wales Railway Co., share certificate, 1863, repaired, Guernsey Railway Co. Ltd., share certificate, 1948, repaired, London & North Western Railway Co., stock certificate, 1869, cancelled, Bahia & San Francisco Railway Co. Ltd., transfer certificate, London 1863, Fishguard and Rosslare Railways and Harbours Co., stock certificate, 1911, Tamar, Kit Hill and Callington Railway Co. Ltd., transfer certificate, 1864, repaired, and Indenture dated 1835 which includes reference to the North Union Railway, on vellum, very large format, mostly F-VF. (10).
Great Britain, 5 railway bonds and certificates relating to Scotland, Caledonian Railway Co., certificate for preference stock, 1874, Paisley, Barrhead & Hurlet Railway, unissued certificate, 184-, Glasgow and South Western Railway, unissued certificate, 185-, and City of Glasgow Union Railway Co., certificate for preference shares, 1872, plus mortgage bond, 1871, both cancelled, F-VF. (5).
China, Birt?s Wharf Hide-Curing and Wool-Cleaning Co., share certificate No.1249, Shanghai 1883, scrollwork at left, black on pale blue, marked cancelled in blue pencil, a few pin holes at top left, AVF. (1). This is a very early date for a certificate is
Russia, 15 bonds and certificates, City of Vilna 1931 Conversion Bonds, 2 x bonds for £100, City of Baku 1910 Loan, 10 x bonds for £20, Company for the Manufacture of Russian Mineral Oils and other Chemical Products, bond for £20, cancelled, Soci?t? du Na
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