Chinese Government 5% Reorganisation Gold Loan 1913 Bond for £20 red/brown with coupons, Good Fine, Chinese Government Tientsin-Pukow 5% Railway Loan 1908 Bond for £100 Red-Orange Fine with coupons (2), Chinese Government 5% Gold Loan 1912 Bond for £100 Green with some coupons, Good Fine, Chinese Government 5% Gold Loan 1912 Bond for £500 brown with coupons, Chinese Government Gold Loan 1908 Bond for £100 mauve, Chinese Government Gold Loan 1908 Bond for £20 green, Near Fine, Chinese Imperial Government 4 1/2% Gold Loan 1898 Bonds for £100 (2) red/brown Fine with some coupons, Chinese Government Loan 1912 8% Bond for £100 mauve on green VF with coupons, Chinese Government Loan 1912 8% Bond for £50 green on blue VF with coupons, Chinese Government Loan 1912 8% Bond for £10 mauve on blue VF with coupons, Chinese Government 5 1/2% Gold Loan - Province of Petchili 1913 (2) Fine with coupons, Chinese Government Treasury Note 1925/1929 8% 10 Year Sterling Bond for £500 blue with coupons, Chinese Government Treasury Note 1925/1929 8% 10 Year Sterling Bond for £100 green with coupons, Chinese Imperial Railway 5% Gold Loan 1898 Fine with pencil annotations, with some coupons, Government of the Chinese Republic Treasury Bill 1918 8% Bond for £100 Sterling, About Fine with coupons, Republique Chinoise 5% Gold Bond 1925 brown,NVF with some coupons, Republique de Chine 5% Gold Loan 1914 Paris issue, Fine with coupons, Chinese Imperial Railway 5% Gold Loan Canton-Kowloon Railway Bond for £100 red Good Fine with coupons, Imperial Chinese Government 5% Sinking Fund Gold LOan Hukuang Railways Bond for £20 (2) green with coupons, Chinese Government 6% Shanghai-Hangchow-Ningpo Railway Completion Loan 1936 Good Fine with coupons, Chinese Imperial Railway 5% Gold Loan Shanghai-Nanking Railway Bond 1907 for £100 red Good Fine, Chinese Government Treasury 8% Bond 1921 Chemin de Fer Lung Tsing-U-Hai Brussels 500 Francs Green with coupons VF, Chinese Government Treasury Bond 8% Bond 1923 Chemin de Fer Lung Tsing-U-Hai Brussel 500 Francs brown, trimmed Fine with coupons, Government of the Chinese Republic Railway Equipment Loan of 1922 £20 Treasury Blue (2) Good Fine with coupons, Government of the Chinese Republic 8% LOan 1920 Chemin de Fer Lung Tsin-U-Hai red-orange VF with coupons, Gouvernement Imperial de Chine 1903 5% Gold Loan 500 Francs, red-orange Fine with 2 coupons, along with USA Share Certificates (11) BritishColumbia Goldfields, The DiamondMining Investment Company Limited, United States Corporation, The International Nickel Company, The Briggs National Bank and Trust Co. New York, Lisbon Valley Uranium Company, Fairchild Engine and Airplane Corporation, International Resistance Company, Bethlehem Steel Corporation, J.P.Clark Co.INC. Roger A. Halvorsen D.N.M. Ltd, Presidio Motrion Pictures Corporation, in mixed grades and Rhodesia - The Beatrice (Rhodesia) Company Limited, Fine
China, ChineseGovernment 1913 Reorganisation Gold Loan, 1 x bonds for £20, Banque de l'Indo-Chine a Paris and 1 x bond for 189.40 Roubles, Russian issue, both with vignettes of Mercury and Chinese scenes, black and brown with coupons Fine to Good Fine, China, Chinese ImperialRailway, Canton-Kowloon Railway, bond for £100, London 1907, for the British and Chinese Corporation Limited, ornate design, black & red, with coupons, Fine, Banque Industrielle de Chine 500 Francs (6) Yellow and black, ornate Chinese-style borders, traditional Chinese rooftops, two dragons at topcentre, Temple of Heaven at centre in underprint, black Chinese and French text, Good VF,
World & British bank cheques (800+), most modern UK, some older 19th Century noted, a large cheque book with some unused cheques Parr's Bank Limited, Charing Cross Branch, a few postal orders & lottery tickets, some other general bankingephemera, needs viewing
Canada (168) titles include: British Controlled Oilfields 1931, Dominion Coal Co.1930's, International Nickel Co. 1930-1960, Swanson Bay Forests 1911, together with other land, mining, power and railroadcompanies. Some duplication. Generally GVF. (168).
Confederate States of America, Act of August 19 1861, $1,000 bond dated Richmond 21 Nov. 1861, (Ref. Ball 44), signed by Taylor, printed by Hoyer & Ludwig, Richmond VA., cental vignette of Commerce and Ceres with British shield, with coupons. Tear at top with some damage to edges AVF. (1).
Canada, British Controlled Oilfields Ltd Voting Trust Certificates for 1 share, green (10), 5 shares, red (14), 10 shares, blue (4), 20 shares, brown (4). Some damaged others VF. (32)
Canada, Anglo-Canadian Timber Co. of BritishColumbia Ltd. mortgage debentures, 4 x £10 mauve, 4 x £20 green, 4 x £50 red and 4 x £100 brown. Unissued and undated, but circa 1911, ornate heading incorporates vignettes of horses pulling large log, large format, with coupons. GVF/EF. (16).
Canada, Anglo-Canadian Timber Co. of BritishColumbia Ltd. mortgage debentures, 4 x £10 mauve, 4 x £20 green, 4 x £50 red and 4 x £100 brown. Unissued and undated, but circa 1911, ornate heading incorporates vignettes of horses pulling large log, large format, with coupons. GVF/EF. (16).
Canada, Anglo-Canadian Timber Co. of BritishColumbia Ltd. mortgage debentures, 4 x £10 mauve, 4 x £20 green, 4 x £50 red and 4 x £100 brown. Unissued and undated, but circa 1911, ornate heading incorporates vignettes of horses pulling large log, large format, with coupons. GVF/EF. (16).
Canada, Anglo-Canadian Timber Co. of BritishColumbia Ltd. mortgage debentures, 1 x £10 mauve, 1 x £20 green, 1 x £50 red and 1 x £100 brown. Unissued and undated, but circa 1911, ornate heading incorporates vignettes of horses pulling large log, large format, with coupons. GVF/EF. (4).
Canada, Anglo-Canadian Timber Co. of BritishColumbia Ltd. mortgage debentures, 4 x £10 mauve, 4 x £20 green, 4 x £50 red and 4 x £100 brown. Unissued and undated, but circa 1911, ornate heading incorporates vignettes of horses pulling large log, large format, with coupons. GVF/EF. (16).
Canada, Anglo-Canadian Timber Co. of BritishColumbia Ltd. mortgage debentures, 4 x £10 mauve, 4 x £20 green, 4 x £50 red and 4 x £100 brown. Unissued and undated, but circa 1911, ornate heading incorporates vignettes of horses pulling large log, large format, with coupons. GVF/EF. (16).
Canada, Anglo-Canadian Timber Co. of BritishColumbia Ltd. mortgage debentures, 4 x £10 mauve, 4 x £20 green, 4 x £50 red and 4 x £100 brown. Unissued and undated, but circa 1911, ornate heading incorporates vignettes of horses pulling large log, large format, with coupons. GVF/EF. (16).
Canada, Anglo-Canadian Timber Co. of BritishColumbia Ltd. mortgage debentures, 4 x £10 mauve, 4 x £20 green, 4 x £50 red and 4 x £100 brown. Unissued and undated, but circa 1911, ornate heading incorporates vignettes of horses pulling large log, large format, with coupons. GVF/EF. (16).
Canada, Anglo-Canadian Timber Co. of BritishColumbia Ltd. mortgage debentures, 4 x £10 mauve, 4 x £20 green, 4 x £50 red and 4 x £100 brown. Unissued and undated, but circa 1911, ornate heading incorporates vignettes of horses pulling large log, large format, with coupons. GVF/EF. (16).
Canada, Anglo-Canadian Timber Co. of BritishColumbia Ltd. mortgage debentures, 4 x £10 mauve, 4 x £20 green, 4 x £50 red and 4 x £100 brown. Unissued and undated, but circa 1911, ornate heading incorporates vignettes of horses pulling large log, large format, with coupons. GVF/EF. (16).
Canada, British Controlled Oilfields Ltd. Voting Trust Certificates 1931 for 20 shares, brown (4), for 10 shares, blue (4), for 5 shares, red (14), for 1 share, green (10). Some damaged otherwise generally VF. (Total 32).
Collection (29) British 20th Century issues (22) including Peninsula & Oriental Steam Navigation 1951, World (7) mainly modern U.S.A. Mixed grades. (29).
U.S.A. (6), Alaska Mexican Gold Mining Co. 1908 with coupons, British Bute Mining Co. 1901, Magma Copper Company 1925, New York, Chicago and St Louis Railroad Co. 1956, Western Maryland Railway Co. 1956 & 1959. GVF, some with punch cancellation holes. Together with a RussianGold Loan of 1891 for 500 francs, no coupons remain. (7).
Great Britain, Insurance Policy, North British Insurance Company, fire policy, 1841, large vignette of ST Andrew, beasts and arms, black, some discolouration, F. (1).
China, 4 bonds, Shanghai-NankingRailway, £100 bond, London 1904, Hukuang Railways 1911 Gold Loan, bond for £100, British issue, Boxer loan of 1925, bond for $50, and Gold Loan of 1912, bond for £100, all with coupons, mostly VF. (4).
Collection (14), Africa Anglo American Corp. of South Africa 1918 (2), CanadaBritishColumbia Power Corp. 1954 (2), Congo, Etat Independent Du Congo 1888, Germany 100 R.mark 1925, G.B. Chalmers' Anti-Vibrator Co. Ltd. 1900, Panama, Panama Canal 1888. U.S.A., British Butte Mining Co. 1907 (3), Commonwealth & Southern Corp. 1936 (2), Victoria Belle Mining Co. 1913. Generally VF or better. (14).
Great Britain, British Motor Cab Co. Ltd., 6 x bearer certificates for one share and 4 x bearer certificates for five shares, 1910-14, ornate border, text in English and French, orange and blue respectively, bottom margin uneven where coupons cut for payment, lot also includes Car Trust Realisation Co. Ltd., £100 debenture, 1906, mostly VF. (11).
Canada, Anglo-Canadian Timber Co.of BritishColumbia Ltd. 10 x £20 green and 10 x £100 brown mortgage debentures. £20's dated 1911, £100 undated but circa 1911, ornate heading incorporates vignettes of horses pulling large log, large format. UK revenue stamp, with coupons. GVF (9)
Canada, Anglo-Canadian Timber Co.of BritishColumbia Ltd. 3 x £20 green, 3 x £50 red and 3 x £100 brown mortgage debentures. £20 and £50's dated 1911, £100 undated but circa 1911, ornate heading incorporates vignettes of horses pulling large log, large format. UK revenue stamp, with coupons. GVF (9)
Canada, Anglo-Canadian Timber Co.of BritishColumbia Ltd. 3 x £20 green, 2 x £50 red (one a little tatty) and 3 x £100 brown mortgage debentures. £20 and £50's dated 1911, £100 undated but circa 1911, ornate heading incorporates vignettes of horses pulling large log, large format. UK revenue stamp, with coupons. GVF (8)
Great Britain (16) certificates, titles include Associated Greyhound Racecourses Ltd. 1928, Associated Newspapers Ltd.1954, Beecham Group Ltd. 1954, Becker and Co Ltd. 1923, BritishElectric Traction Co. Ltd. 1959, Components Ltd. 1911, Imperial Continental Gas 1974-76 (3), London Wollen Company Ltd. 1912, Nuera Art-Silk Company Ltd. 1928, Premier Oil Ltd. 1920, Santa Feland Co. 1910, Septimus Parsonage & Co. Ltd. 1900, H & G Simonds Ltd. 1939, Tustabnovice Petroleum Ltd. 1907, mostly F to VF.(16).
Canada, Anglo-Canadian Timber Co.of BritishColumbia Ltd. 10 x £20 green, 10 x £50 red and 10 x £100 brown mortgage debentures. £20 and £50's dated 1911, £100 undated but circa 1911, ornate heading incorporates vignettes of horses pulling large log, large format. UK revenue stamp, with coupons. GVF (30)
Canada, Anglo-Canadian Timber Co.of BritishColumbia Ltd. 3 x £20 green, 3 x £50 red and 3 x £100 brown mortgage debentures. £20 and £50's dated 1911, £100 undated but circa 1911, ornate heading incorporates vignettes of horses pulling large log, large format. UK revenue stamp, with coupons. GVF (9)
Canada, Anglo-Canadian Timber Co.of BritishColumbia Ltd. 3 x £20 green, 3 x £50 red and 3 x £100 brown mortgage debentures. £20 and £50's dated 1911, £100 undated but circa 1911, ornate heading incorporates vignettes of horses pulling large log, large format. UK revenue stamp, with coupons. GVF (9)
Canada, Anglo-Canadian Timber Co.of BritishColumbia Ltd. 3 x £20 green, 3 x £50 red and 3 x £100 brown mortgage debentures. £20 and £50's dated 1911, £100 undated but circa 1911, ornate heading incorporates vignettes of horses pulling large log, large format. UK revenue stamp, with coupons. GVF (9)
Canada, Anglo-Canadian Timber Co. of BritishColumbia Ltd. 10 x mortgage debentures for £50 all 1911, ornate heading incorporates vignette of horses pulling large log, large format, black & red, UK revenue stamp, with coupons, mostly VF.
Canada, Anglo-Canadian Timber Co. of BritishColumbia Ltd. 10 x mortgage debentures for £20 all undated but circa 1911, ornate heading incorporates vignette of horses pulling large log, large format, black & brown, UK revenue stamp, with coupons, mostly VF.
Canada, Anglo-Canadian Timber Co. of BritishColumbia Ltd. 10 x mortgage debentures for £20 all 1911, ornate heading incorporates vignette of horses pulling large log, large format, black & green, UK revenue stamp, with coupons, mostly VF.
Collection, 29 bonds and certificates relating to South and Central America, dated 1864-1956, titles include, River Plate Pressure Meat-Preserving Co. Ltd., bond, 1876, BritishHonduras Co. Ltd., 4 x certificates 1860-64, Agua Santa Coffee Co. Ltd.,2 x certificates, 1924-7, Monte Video Telephone Co. Ltd.,1891, Compania Minera El Callao, 2 x certificates, 1887, mostly VF. (29).
Palestine, Palestine-British Bank Ltd., 3 x bearer certificates for ten shares, all 1963, ornate border, black & green, UK revenue stamps, with coupons, all VF. (3).
Great Britain, North British Locomotive Co. Ltd., certificates for preference stock, 1958, and cumulative preference stock, 1959, both with large vignette of steam locomotive, dull mauve and bright blue respectively, both VF. (2).
Great Britain, Approximately 1,000 certificates, dated 1970-78, from 90 different Britishcompanies, 40 land and investment companies (200 pieces), 40 industrial companies (250 pieces), quantities from Bass Charington, Brooke Bond, Beechams, Great Universal Stores, United Drapery Stores, British Electric Traction, BICC, many household names, mostly VF. (1,000).
Great Britain, A Sears Holdings collection of 37 certificates, Sears Holdings was the vehicle of Sir Charles Clore (1904-79), parent company of Selfridges and British Shoe Corporation. Clore was a major benefactor of the arts, (Clore Gallery at Tate Britain, Turner collection) and of Jewish charities. Certificates in lot are, J Sears & Co. (True Form Boot Co.), Ltd., 6 x certificates, four types, 1929-53, Sears Holdings Ltd., 10 x certificates, five types, 1955-58, all except one with ink facsimile signature of Charles Clore, 12 x certificates, 3 types, 1959-62, all with printed facsimile signature of Charles Clore, 8 x certificates, three types, 1971-74, and British Shoe Corporation Ltd., loan stock certificate 1974, various colours, some cancelled, mostly VF. (37).
Great Britain, 6 certificates petrol or motoring related, Premier Re-Forming Co. Ltd., 1910, Motorists? Mutual Co-Operative Society Ltd., 2 types, both 1909, Motor Petrol Association Ltd., 1914, British Petrol & Motor Equipment Co. Ltd., 1922, and Petrol Users Society Ltd., 1919, mostly VF. (6).
Palestine, Palestine-British Bank Ltd., 15 x bearer certificates for ten shares, all 1963, ornate border, black & green, all with UK revenue stamp, all with coupons, all AEF. (15).
Great Britain, 36 railway dividend counterfoils, dated 1857-1906, 11 different railways, no duplication of dates, titles include, North Eastern, LondonBrighton and South Coast, North British, London and South Western, Great Eastern, Buckinghamshire, Midland, Metropolitan, mostly VF. (36).
Great Britain, British & CommonwealthShipping Co. Ltd., certificate for preference shares, 1956, very attractive multicoloured border, incorporating flags, crown, anchor, thistles and roses, VF. (1).
China, ImperialChineseGovernment 1908 Gold Loan, bond for £20, French issue and bond for £100, British issue, both with vignette of walled city, green and mauve respectively, right and bottom margins uneven where coupons cut for payment, no coupons remain, both AVF. (2).
South Africa, British South Africa Co. Ltd., share certificate, 1926, ornate with large vignette of company?s coat of arms, black on pink, also certificate of rights, 1902, signed by Earl Grey, black on green, plus Cape Stock Farming Co. Ltd., share certificate, 1883, black, all VF. (3).
China, ImperialChineseGovernment Hukuang Railways 1911 Gold Loan, 2 x bonds for £20, French issue, 2 x bonds for £20, German issue, 1 x bond for £100, French issue, 2 x bonds for £100, German issue, 1 x bond for £100 British issue, and 1 x bond for £100, American Banks issue, all with vignette of train, black & green and black & red respectively, all with coupons, mostly F-AVF. (9).
China, ImperialChineseGovernment 1908 Gold Loan, bond for £20, French issue, and bond for £100, British issue, both with vignette of walled city, green and mauve respectively, right and bottom margins uneven where coupons cut for payment, no coupons remain, both AVF. (2).
Great Britain, 26 certificates dated 1950-1972 titles include F.W. Woolworth & Co. Ltd. 1950, National Provincial Bank Ltd. 1957, British Oil & Cake Mills Ltd. 1955, Unilever Ltd. 1954, Daily Mail and General Trust Ltd. 1954, Associated Newspapers Ltd. 1952, De La Rue Co. Ltd. 1959, Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. 1958, Royal Exchange Assurance 1960, minor duplication, mostly VF. (26).
Australia, British ColonialMining Corporation Ltd., certificate for ordinary shares, 1896, and certificate for founders? shares, 1898, both with ornate heading, black on white and black on pink respectively, VF and AVF. (2).
U.S.A., 7 insurance policies, all issued by Britishcompanies from their American offices, all amounts in dollars, Royal Insurance, 1895, North British and Mercantile, 1894, Scottish Commercial, 1876, ManchesterFire, 1892, Norwich Union, 1897, and Sun Insurance, 2 x policies, 1894 & 1895, all large format, all with vignettes, mostly F-VF. (7).
Great Britain, 9 insurance policies, Law Union, 1888, Atlas, 1887, Sun Fire Office, 1842, Guardian, 1860, North British and Mercantile, 1907, Caledonian, 1903, Kent Fire, 1907, Union, 1888, and Royal Exchange, 1851, all with vignettes, also Sun Fire receipt 1845 and Prudential war bond policy certificate, 1919, mostly F-VF. (9).
Great Britain, Marine & General Acoustic Co.Ltd.,certificate for 50 £1 shares,1937, green. Creased at folds. Together with a prospectus stating company's intention to acquire Watamps Company (concerned with the development of an advanced system of Wireless Control and Relay capable of meeting the special requirements of the British Admiralty).
Great Britain, 12 certificates, all oil or petroleum related, Motor Fuel Proprietary Ltd., 1928, Petrol Users Society Ltd., 1919, Sun Fuel Co. Ltd., 1919, Fuels Investment Trust Ltd., 1934, British Oil & Cake Mills Ltd., 2 types, 1917 & 1928, Petrol Users and Traders Supply Society Ltd., 1913, Petroleum Refineries Ltd., 1929, Premier Oil Co. Ltd., 1922, Oil and Carbon Products Ltd., 1914, Oil Trust Ltd., 1910, and Service Petroleum Co. Ltd., mostly VF. (12).
Great Britain, collection of 34 assorted certificates, titles include The Great Southern of SpainRailwaycompany 1926, British Cotton Growing Assoc. 1968 (4), London Transport 1947, I.C.I., House of Fraser 1973, Rank Organisation 1977, Gaumont-British Picture Corp. 1943, Calico Printers 1933, Enfield Furniture 1959, Whitehead Aircraft 1921 (this torn & fair), Greenhall Whitley 1961 (5), Uk Co-operative Investment 1935 & 1936,George Wimpey 1958. etc., mixed condition F to EF. Together with a stock book of 60 unissued Crawley, Russell & Co., certificates, circa 1936.
Collection,10 certificates, all oil or petroleum related, Graham Island (BritishColumbia) Oilfields Ltd., 1922, Hungarian National Petroleum Co. Ltd., 2 x certificates, 1920 & 27, British Oilfields of Colombia Ltd., 1926, Newfoundland Oilfields Ltd., 192
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