Contemporary Forgeries (5) Groats (3) Henry V Class B contemporary copy, mintmark Cross Patee with central pellet, 'Scowling' Bust (see Numismatic Chronicle 1993 p.219, no.2 this coin), 2.98 grammes, Fair, unusual, Ex-P. Finn List 6, Winter 1996, No.221 SNC 1987, item 4401 found River Thames 1886, Ex Spink Auction 11039 Lot 74 (6/10/2011), The Frank Brady Collection of Hammered Groats, Henry VI Annulet Issue, London Mint a contemporary copy of irregular style, Annulets by neck, mintmark Pierced Cross 2.36 grammes, Annulet between e and x in rex, Rev. annulet added in second and third angles, leaf or pinecone after tas, base, a curious and unusual piece, About VF, (provenance Bt. Spink), Ex-Spink Auction 11039 Lot 82 (6/10/2011), the Frank Brady Collection of Hammered Groats, Edward IV a contemporary forgery of a York/London mule, mintmark. ´flower´, quatrefoils by bust, e on breast, a contemporary copy of good workmanship, 2.22 grammes, Fair to Fine (provenance Bt. Spink), Ex-Spink Auction 11039 Lot 200 (6/10/2011) the Frank Brady Collection of Hammered Groats, ShillingCharles I mintmark Anchor a contemporary copy of crude style, Ex-Patrick Finn, with ticket showing £70 price, CelticStater , uniface Gallic War issue, in the style of Series E, horse right, S.11, VA 50-56, About Fine, ex-C. Rudd
Crown 1653 CommonwealthESC 6, Bull 6, mintmark Sun, 29.69 grammes, Bold Fine on an irregularly shaped flan, the reverse with some old scratches in the angles within the shield and some minor flan stress marks
Crown 1654 CommonwealthESC 7, Bull 8, mintmark Sun, 29.54 grammes, Fine with some weak areas around the 5 of the date and in the corresponding position on the obverse
Crown 1656 6 over 4 Commonwealth, Second N in ENGLAND struck over an inverted N, as Bull 13, ESC 9, North 2721, Toned About EF with some minor surface stress marks on the reverse struck from the same dies as an ex-Baldwins piece from 2014 (sold for £11,500), an extremely attractive example of this much sought after type
CrownCharles ITruro Mint, Obverse: King on horseback, head in profile, sash flies out in two ends, Reverse: Round garnished shield, S.3045, mintmark Rose, 29.26 grammes, Fine/Good Fine on a full round flan, the reverse weak in the centre
Double CrownJames I Second Coinage, Fifth Bust, S.2623, North 2088, mintmark Trefoil, 4.93 grammes, Good Fine with a scratch across the crown, the obverse field with some fine hairlines
Edward III to Charles IShillings to Halfgroats (10), Shillings (3) Charles I (2), James I, Sixpence Charles I, Groats (4) Edward III, Henry VII, Henry VIII (2) First Coinage (VF with large edge clip from 2 to 4 o'clock) and Second Coinage, ThreepenceElizabeth I 1581, Halfgroat Edward III, most are damaged, clipped or holed, in mixed grades Fair to VF
Farthings Charles I (6) Rose mintmark Crescent both sides, About Fine, Maltravers and Richmond rounds (4) with CARO legends, mintmark Rose NVF, mintmark Cinquefoil Near Fine, mintmark Lion passant VG on a thin flan, possibly a contemporary counterfeit, mintmark Cinquefoil, Fair, and CAROLVS legend with mintmark Shield/Billet VG on a thin flan, possibly a contemporary counterfeit, an interesting group for the variety specialist, worthy of further study
GoldCrownCharles I Group B/C muleS.2713A, mintmark Rose, 2.23 grammes, Obverse, portrait VG, legends Fine and bold, Reverse Fine or better weakly struck on the right of the shield
Groats (2) Edward IIILondon Mint, Pre-Treaty period (1351-1361) Type C, Lombardic M, closed C and E, S.1565 mintmark Cross 1, Fine with a slight shortage of flan. Edward III York Mint, Pre-Treaty period (1351-1361) series E, S.1572 mintmark Cross 2, 4.31 grammes, Fine
Groats and Halfgroats (4) comprising Groats (3) Edward IIILondon Mint, Pre-Treaty period, S.1567 mintmark Cross 2, 4.43 grammes, About Fine with some surface marks, Edward IV Light Coinage, London Mint, Quatrefoils at neck, doubled S in CIVITAS, S.2000, mintmark Crown, 2.80 grammes, Fine, Edward IV Light Coinage, London Mint, Quatrefoils at neck, S.2000 mintmark Crown/Sun, 2.77 grammes, Fine with dark tone, Halfgroat Henry VI Rosette-Mascle issue, Calais Mint, S.1862 1.79 grammes, VF with flan chip between 9 and 10 o'clock
Groats Edward III (3) Treaty Period, London MintS.1616, 3.94 grammes, NVG, Pre-Treaty Period, London Mint, type G, Reverse with annulet in one quarter S.1570, 4.23 grammes, VG, Pre-Treaty, London Mint, type D, R with wedge-shaped tail S.1566, 4.37 grammes NVG
Half AngelEdward IV Second Reign S.2093 mintmark Pierced Cross and pellet in fourth quarter/Pierced Cross with pellet in third quarter, Obverse: Double saltire stops Reverse: Five line ship, saltire stops in legend S.2093, North 1630, Schneider 477, 2.39 grammes, Fine, very scarce
Half LaurelJames I Third Coinage S.2641A, North 2117, mintmark Trefoil/Lis, 4.48 grammes, Fine with a small edge crack by BRI, the obverse with some old thin scratches
Half NobleEdward III Transitional Treaty Period (1361), Obverse: EDWARD DEI G ANGL D HB, Reverse: Annulets at corners of central panel, S.1500, North 1223, similar to Schneider 63, but reverse with double saltire stops, VF with some small flan cracks around ARGVTAS, and a tiny flan split a the top of the ship's planks
Half SovereignHenry VIII Posthumous Coinage of 1547-1551, Tower Mint, Obverse: Youthful Portrait, with sceptre, AG for AGL in obverse legend, lozenge stops, S.2391, North 1865, mintmark Arrow, 6.19 grammes, Good Fine with a metal flaw in the obverse field to the right of the King with some hairlines, possibly once lightly smoothed in this area
Half SovereignHenry VIII Posthumous Coinage of 1547-1551, Tower Mint, Obverse: Youthful Portrait, with sceptre, Reverse: Grapple below shield, S.2393, North 1865, Schneider --, mintmark Grapple on obverse only, 5.05 grammes, Good Fine, an evenly struck example with pleasing portrait, rare and desirable thus
Half SovereignHenry VIII Posthumous Coinage, Southwark Mint, Obverse: Youthful portrait with sceptre, S.2394 mintmark -/E, 6.31 grammes, Good Fine/Fine with faint signs of smoothing to a small area at the top of the reverse
HalfcrownCharles I Group III, Third horseman, type 3a2 King wears cloak flying from shoulder, rough ground below horse, S.2776, mintmark Triangle, 14.68 grammes, Fine/About VF
Halfcrowns Charles I (2) Group III, Third Horseman , Reverse: Oval garnished shield, mintmark unclear (Bell over Portcullis?) on obverse, off the flan on the reverse, 14.48 grammes, VG/Near Fine on an irregularly shaped flan, the second Group III, third horseman S.2776 mintmark Triangle, 10.97 grammes, Fair
Halfcrowns Charles I (3) Group III, Third horseman , type 3a1, King wears scarf flying from waist, S.2773 mintmark Tun, 14.45 grammes, VG the reverse slightly better. Group III, third horseman, type 3a2, King wears scarf flying from shoulder S.2776. mintmark Triangle, 12.21 grammes, VG on an irregular oval flan, showing some loss of flan. Group IV, Fourth horseman, type 4, foreshortened horse, S.2779 mintmark Triangle in circle, 14.79 grammes, Fine or near so on an irregularly shaped flan, much of the legend off the flan
LaurelJames I Third Coinage, Second Bust, SS tie-ends, Reversed N's in reverse legend, S.2638, North mintmark Spur Rowel, 8.95 grammes, Good Fine/VF, the obverse with some double striking to the profile, with some hairlines and thin scratches, the reverse gilded. On a full round flan and pleasing for the grade. Note: Examination of our archive database shows that no previous examples of this reverse type have been offered by us, further research shows five examples of this unusual reverse, all paired with the First bust, all with mintmark Spur Rowel, offered on the internet since 2016, but this coin is the only example that has been offered paired with the second bust.
NobleEdward III Post-Treaty Period (1369-1377), Reverse: E and pellet in centre, S.1518, North 1281, mintmark Cross Pattee, 7.27g, VF evenly struck and pleasing
NobleEdward III Pre-Treaty Period, Fourth Coinage, Series C, Lombardic M, Closed C and E, S.1486, North 1180, Schneider 18, 7.61 grammes, NEF with minor roughness to the surface, an evenly struck example, full and round, and with much eye appeal
NobleEdward III Pre-Treaty Period, London Mint, Series G, Pellet on either side of the top Lis on reverse, Small E in centre, S.1490, North 1182, 7.63 grammes, Good Fine with a light crease
NobleHenry V Class B, Annulet on rudder, Ropes 3/2, Quatrefoils 3/3, mintmark Pierced Cross with pellet centre, S.1740, North 1370, 6.86 grammes, VF/GVF with two flan cracks, at 2 and 4 o'clock, the obverse cleaned
NobleHenry V Class C, Mullet by sword arm, broken annulet on side of ship, S.1742, North 1371, 6.85g, VF/Near VF and pleasing, with excellent portrait of the King
NobleHenry VI Annulet issue (1422-c.1430) Annulet by sword arm, and in one spandrel on reverse, trefoil stops on obverse, Lis after HENRIC, annulet stops on reverse, with mullet stop after IHC, S.1799, North 1414, 6.93 grammes, NEF with a few small edge nicks, a very pleasing example with excellent portrait of the King and desirable thus
Pennies (10) John moneyer Rauf, mint name off-flan, Fine, the reverse off-centre, Henry III Long Cross, London Mint, moneyer Henri, Edward I (7) Bury St. Edmunds Mint, Moneyer Robert de Hadl, Class 3d, Near Fine, Canterbury Mint (3) Class 3d Near Fine/About Fine, Class 4a Near Fine with some weakness, Class 5a About Fine, Durham Mint Class 10A Near Fine, London Mint Class 10F VG or better, Canterbury Mint, the first Class 10D, VG or better, the second with the key identifiers worn
PennyHenry III Long Cross moneyer Nicole, Canterbury Mint, Class 3b, N and R of HENRIC ligated, N with horizontal bar, S.1363 VF with some weaker areas, comes with a Portable Antiquities Scheme Report
PennyJohn (1199-1216) London Mint, moneyer Abel, Class 5c, Letter X composed of four strokes, S.1352, two minor cracks, a tiny amount of light shines through, 1.35 grammes, otherwise VF, comes with Harrington & Byrne certificate
Quarter NobleEdward III Pre-Treaty Period, Series G, Obverse: Legend EDWAR 'x DEI x GRA 'x REX x ANGL', (E of EDWAR broken at the top), Trefoils on cusps of tressure, Reverse: Cross Potent in centre with central pellet, with pellets in the angles of the cross. Pellets in spandrels of tressure, Large I's regular size N. S.1498, North 1190, not listed by Schneider, mintmark Cross 3, 1.92 grammes, a thin flan split on the lower part of the shield on the French Arms in evident, otherwise VF
Quarter NobleEdward III Pre-Treaty Period, Series G, Obverse: Legend EDWAR 'x R x ANGL x Z x FRANC D Hy, Plain spandrels, Reverse E in centre, plain spandrels, S.1490, North 1190, 1.88 grammes, About Fine/Fine struck slightly off-centre
Quarter NobleEdward III Treaty Period, London Mint, Obverse: Annulet before EDWARD, unbarred A in GRA, Reverse: Lis in centre, Curule-shaped X's in legend S.1511, North 1244, Schneider 90, 1.81 grammes, Fine or better, slight roughness to the flan on EDWA, Reverse with a light scuff on ABIT, overall an even and pleasing piece
Ryal (Rose-Noble) Edward IV Light Coinage, S.1951, North 1549, Schneider Obverse 376, Reverse 380, mintmark -/Long Cross Fitchee, 7.60 grammes, VF a pleasing and even example, scarce and desirable thus
Shilling 1652 Commonwealth, with thin II over normal II in the denomination ESC 985, Bull 103, 5.90 grammes, Fine with very good surfaces, with partial toning on the lower part of the reverse and in the corresponding position on the obverse
Shilling 1653 Commonwealth T of THE overstruck , possibly over a G as listed by Bull, as ESC 987, Bull 128, 5.72 grammes, Fine on a slightly irregularly shaped flan, with a small edge crack at 7 o'clock
ShillingCharles I Group D, Fourth Bust, type 3a S.2791 mintmark Tun, 5.74 grammes, Near Fine/Fine, weak on the portrait, some double striking to the reverse legend, the shield bold
ShillingCharles I Group D, Fourth Bust, type 3a, No Inner Circles, Reverse: round garnished shield, No CR, S.2791 mintmark Tun, 5.91 grammes, VF with some weak areas, probably near 'as struck' with little actual wear
ShillingCharles I Group E, Larger bust, type 4.1, Small XII S.2795 mintmark Tun, 5.79 grammes, obverse with portrait VG and legends clear, reverse Fine with some weakness on parts of the shield
ShillingPhilip and Mary 1554 Full titles, with mark of value S.2500 About Fine, a small flan flaw on the H of PHILIP, all major details clear, with complete profiles, a very collectable example for the grade
Shillings (2) James I First Coinage, First Bust square cut beard, S.2645, mintmark Thistle, 5.99 grammes, approaching Fine/Fine the obverse with some scratches. Charles I Group E, Fifth Aberystwyth Bust, type 4.3, smaller bust, single-arched crown, Large XII, S.2796, mintmark Anchor, 5.16 grammes, About Fine with some shortage of flan
Shillings (3) James I First Coinage, Second Bust, beard appears to merge with collar S.2646, mintmark Thistle, 5.56 grammes, Fair with an x scratched on the obverse. James I Second Coinage, S.2654 mintmark Grapes, 5.68 grammes, bust and shield VG, legends Fine, with grey tone. Elizabeth I Sixth issue, S.2577, mintmark Tun, 3.96 grammes, Fair/VG clipped
Shillings (5) Edward VI Fine Silver issue S.2482 mintmark Tun, 4.88 grammes, Fair/VG. Elizabeth I Second Issue S.2555 mintmark Martlet (2) the first 5.42 grammes, VG, the second 5.93 grammes, VG with some old scratches to the obverse. James I Second Coinage, Third Bust, S.2654 Mintmark Rose, Fair. Charles I Group E, Fifth Aberystwyth bust, Large XII, S.2797 mintmark Tun, 5.62 grammes, Fair/VG
Shillings and Groats (6) comprising Shillings (3) Edward VI Fine Silver issue S.2482 the first mintmark y, 5.95 grammes, About Fine/VG or better, creased, the second mintmark y, 5.81 grammes, Near Fine, holed, James I Second Coinage, S.2564 mintmark Lis, 5.76 grammes, VG or better the obverse with some scratches, Charles IS.2799, mintmark Triangle, 5.75 grammes, VGF/Fine on an irregularly shaped flan Groats (3) Henry VIII Second Coinage, Laker Bust D, saltires in cross ends, S.2337E Mintmark Lis, 2.56 grammes, Good Fine the obverse with some surface residue, Henry VIII Tower Mint, Bust 1, S.2369 Annulets in cross ends, mintmark Lis, 2.52 grammes, Fine/Near Fine with some weakness on the shield, Henry VIII Posthumous issue Canterbury MintS.2408 no mintmark, 2.39 grammes, approaching Fine
Shillings and Sixpences (4) comprising Shillings (2) James I Second Coinage, Fourth Bust, S.2655 mintmark Crown, 5.69 grammes, VG with an x-shaped scratch in the obverse field, Charles I Group D, fourth bust,, type 3a, Reverse: Round garnished shield S.2791 mintmark Crown, 5.83 grammes, Fine with some edge nicks, Sixpences (2) James I Second Coinage, Fourth Bust 1605 S.2658, 2.53 grammes, About Fine creased, Charles I Sixth Briot's Bust S.2817 mintmark Triangle, 2.90 grammes, Fine on a ragged flan, with some weakness in places
Shillings to Farthings (10) Shillings (2) James I First Coinage S.2646 mintmark Lis Fair/Near Fine, Charles I Reverse: Oval shield with CR at sides, S.2789 mintmark not fully visible, possibly Harp, Fair/VG clipped almost to the inner circle, SixpenceElizabeth I 1576 Larger bust S.2563 mintmark Eglantine VG/Near Fine, the obverse with old scratches, Halfgroat Charles I Group A, Crowned rose either side S.2822 Fair/NVG, Farthing James I Harington, mintmark Lis on reverse only, S.2676 Good Fine on a porous flan, Farthings Charles I (5) Richmond, Eagle-headed harp, S.3184 mintmark Lion rampant VG, Rose (4) S.3206 (4) two with CAROLV legend and mintmark Crescent, two with CAROLV legend and mintmark Mullet, these VG to Fine
Sixpence 1652 CommonwealthESC 1486, Bull 186, the Sun mintmark double struck, 2.88 grammes, Good Fine on an irregularly shaped flan, a very pleasing and problem free example with excellent surfaces, the Commonwealth series coin often have poor surfaces, this an exception
SixpenceEdward VI Fine Silver issue, London Mint, S.2483, mintmark Tun, 3.17 grammes, GVF and nicely toned with pleasing portrait, the obverse with some double striking to the VI denomination
SixpenceElizabeth I 1562 Milled Coinage Tall Narrow Bust with Plain dress, Large Rose Mintmark Star S.2594 Very Fine with some dirt and dark toning in the legends
SixpenceElizabeth I 1569 Intermediate Bust 4B, 2.76 grammes, S.2562, mintmark Coronet, VG, Groats (3) Edward III Pre-Treaty period, London Mint, Series C, S.1565, VG with some scratches, Edward IVNorwich Mint, N on breast, S.2011, mintmark Sun, 2.91 grammes, Fine with some surface dirt, Edward IV Quatrefoils at neck, London Mint, no eye in reverse legend, S.2000 mintmark Sun, 2.95 grammes, Near Fine
SixpenceElizabeth I Milled issue 1562 Tall, narrow bust with decorated dress, S.2595 mintmark Star,2.96 grammes, Fine/Good Fine with some old light tooling in the fields and with an edge pinch at 1 o'clock
Sixpences (2) Elizabeth I 1562 Milled Issue, Large Broad Bust with elaborately decorated dress S.2597 mintmark Star, NVG with N countermark on the obverse and 4-lobed countermark on the reverse, comes in old envelope stating 'James Waltere Jan 1955 5/-', Charles I Group D, Reverse: Oval shield with CR at sides, S.2811 mintmark Harp, Bold Fine/NVF, with N countermark on the obverse and 4-lobed countermark on the reverse, comes with old ticket stating 'RRR 75/-'
Sixpences to Halfgroats Elizabeth I (5) comprising Sixpences (2) 1568 Fourth issue, Intermediate bust 4B, S.2562 mintmark Coronet, 2.66 grammes, VG/Fine, 1580 80 over 79, Fifth Issue, Larger Bust 5A, S.2572 mintmark Latin Cross, 2.54 grammes, VG the reverse slightly better with an old scratch, Threepences (2) 1564 S.2565, mintmark Pheon, 1.35 grammes, VG/Fine, off-centre with a slight shortage of flan, 1574 Taller Bust S.2566, 1.57 grammes, Fine/Good Fine with a minor crease, Halfgroat undated, Sixth Issue, two pellets behind bust, S.2579 mintmark A, 0.90 grammes, Near Fine the obverse with clear legends, legends partly off-flan on the reverse due to off-centre striking
UniteCharles I Group A, First Bust in Coronation robes, high double-arched crown, S.2685, North 2146, mintmark Lis, 8.98 grammes, Fine to Good Fine with a flan flaw on the portrait, some weakness in places, the obverse with some hairlines
UniteCharles I Group A, First Bust in Coronation robes, high double-arched crown, S.2685, North 2146, mintmark Lis, 9.12 grammes, Fine or better, Fine, on a full round flan
UniteCharles I Group A, First Bust in Coronation robes, high double-arched crown, S.2685, North 2146, mintmark Lis, VF/GVF with bold legends, the obverse with some flan stress and a flan crack at the top by REX. Some weakness of strike is evident in places, with the legend double struck in places on either side, the coin displays very little actual wear, of pleasing and original appearance, virtually 'as made.'
UniteJames I Second Coinage, Fifth Bust, S.2620, North 2085, mintmark Cinquefoil, 9.74 grammes, Fine/VF with a series of fine scratches across the obverse, and an x-shaped scratch to the right of the shield, a small section of the edge has been repaired at the top of the reverse
UniteJames I Second Coinage, Fourth Bust, S.2619, North 2084, mintmark Castle, 9.84 grammes, Good Fine with some weak areas, the reverse with some flan indentations at the top, to the left of the mintmark
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